Orni »i» «15 ífátuí еті |шиѴяуіа %í¡bTm
АімрфМ js'és?- ijovimà ¿"ivçimtm тгіит.
rltjot I-ranáií©- ^ьш А?ик*(я$ sV a£0A«
Оо/я/Аоц xuteovTï? her out ¡ісщтгр ¡ьх-глс.
®ùx. zvocï. X^C0^ Y* ^*"' Ща*®ѵа' ßbß№*>
Tûtè®" u.7iuprí¡(mv іхятоі ßoccc. Yify ПоХѵ^а,
МслѵіС Ах-тсшу®*, (иго ycifjy» cibivi 7m¡a¡)
A/Mpón^t, Т£млші tí х^ i)££t, xifcAiirasow.
Ta» ¡) уши. ßacl)vfi/®" èc/jbiiGyp ¿cckcv^îHotî,
KiTmi Ъі Tg/úxar Efv
Д«Аа(а фіХотііп TÍ ií* orx i^/i'Jarto ¡A/kríf,
¿Wvuci luminiteli 2¡í; ci a»orfíei5 í,fv
H итог' ¿I «гамj ¡i о* 09рті •ml//*! apéfbiì.
Е>}о/Аи%,®" ¿" ХГМПС mui/Mç®" дорямгіч
НоЭ"і£ fjjvcía, тзягпѵ хаки, о X&faMQ уячо
Aiti ¡Jtiu.tib.ot Ют та ^' £5 /Зиоан о«* JmAÓmtijí
АЛ£у«/ат»5 ад;оо<уи натірріаѵ мата Trina,
ili 0 Mftiorn ;j<¡w> л'5 «£А(ы em •гаАа.каіѵ,
Кгк тетиѵ £ті ¡мТ^оу íráx-mr ¡міг<р' кгі иаС/pàs
Д«А*.'ы i»£ç it ^ orí« /лага» sA^pJïv.
KAaîi ¡Mt к ¡ьістчс, ß~L>pu i' tum ai du' hhi\!pa¡,
Xw ¡n&ços T i7nit, Ce al Obxg. TotibJiM аа)У\м.
Kat о кѵтос, T&to/raç -тгоМаи; fVi Wl^fr ioatitei
Твйс T cinc èciotra ïloa^àUm* ц&Мсріш*,
■irabhrráTue, ih Toth та TfÍTw ù'isfg iyoi ¡Jt>et
Sfü tí f£ Atutía®* Ѵ~шіііх.щ yit®*, àvru.t> IjmÏo
TSto то hibou» yítíT ßcttf®- cují if> àvroy
BAirrov •¿¡г' Ajrotictut®" Іцд* %іріі чмтіоіі^ссѵ
nJ » i) хаки, ßxScoim ci 'oQ%cj\¡Ij¿íti xajurtq
Hoi ccirofamit x,ct.Xtir'ci)> tuna, ¡¡i ¡jutt àuro?
Бот« Хи&шг à/міі
Xîifixf ¡jjit fjiiv^xj, KCMisai h figi. ctvXuç, n'
Aää i¿ e^iífltí f/jiycíXcut vzJihvo-cw х^хсУ.ѵ,
Кяі таѵ /3¿v s^oí^ív т«» Eff« iTÇiipi [ьятцо,
Клі T яіЭ-Лофоею é1 Г íroA^iíie» ИПГ«!
K<*i то» cuXiçm тиѵ ітр^Е ^>)«/й ¡іімхЛ.
Mitrtp' ort ¡bit Tg/oTiuo ¿áfjyií 'iti pgtijbonu лито
Moótót cefi omíToí SciÁaygi ксезеоу tjxisutro'
AXt\ 'ote T ßccäi/t olyyt CCVitypcUtOV OOOtTlC,,
Kai тод-' ò TtS /3«яА«®-' eli тс/odom хсебц^з,
Аіті^т ¿сиоХщ Ъ J¿ íioooXoi простое счзитос,.
Ді.ілят£р, fhA тііі®" i¡Mt ipíA®" ó? e< «'trolls,
Eíi), jiAijií' ¿¡мтгнх,®— і/луі xansyaTCtiç. ì%6fol.
Еіттите Tiacjautm, я$ 'ітпрбьуЦссаі тікіотц,
ДІ(К/«Т£» /И<£^ ДОф" ЯбЬѵТСофі, ZS4XvfAiti\¡Jtti.
X' ¿5 ои т* jcäAä^ov AdOxorß^Ec (^тоі гг-т^утх
Tiûs&peç,' ¿ç ä^«/»' [ыукЛсс Jioi, ìvfvxtoiosoi,
АаОіи» tao, AáOxo» i) S-fft^ >^ ^í/*« (ptsottnx.
Н|и, >^
7TW(>i)i, Ìt®" a ili atiba ipwA«|eí"
Í2? У à-mo4xu% y¡¡ àta,/*7rux.iç. asv тттго ¡mí,
£iç 2Э0-
Fig.41. Long Primer Greek N0.590. Resetting of two pages of Callimachus,
Hvmni, Epigrammata et fragmenta, etc., Antwerp/Leyden, Chr. Plantin, 1584.
In the later years of the sixteenth century and the early part of the seventeenth
there were few typefoundries in the northern parts of the Low Countries. Except
for Aelbrecht Hendricksz,1 I know the name of only one other Dutch type¬
founder.* It is not surprising that when the Common Council of Leyden set up
their press (as I said in the previous chapter) their printer, Jan van Hout, bought
his types in Flanders. But before long the northern provinces were to distinguish
themselves in printing as in many arts and sciences. The history of Dutch type-
founding in the seventeenth century is of importance accordingly.
Unfortunately, all too few remain of the magnificent types that contributed so
much to the success of the book trade in Holland in the seventeenth century. Blaeu
at Amsterdam and the Elseviers at Leyden rivalled one another in elegance, and
both can be held up as models to this day. Indeed, the skill of the Elseviers has be¬
come a fable, and there have been times when certain of their books were worth
their weight in gold.2 They are said to have used 'Elsevier types' and the name has
become a by-word for all that is best in presswork, type, and typesetting.
The fame of the Elsevier family grew steadily until recent years. It was not enough
to allow them their surpassing merit as printers, they were supposed to have been
peerless typefounders as well; and when, in 1878,3 Alphonse Willems announced
his discovery that the Amsterdam punchcutter and letter-founder ChristofTel van
Dijck had supplied the types for the Leyden press and typefoundry, Van Dijck at
once acquired a popular reputation.
I have written at length on this subject, elsewhere, showing that of 51 founts of
[*] An Order of the State General and the County of
Zealand in the Royal Library at The Hague, Vhccacx vande Generale
Stateli slants ende Grae|eliclclieyts van Zeelant (Verz. Plakkaten Q_2 18,
No. 2), bears an imprint meaning: 'Printed by Gabriel Guyot,
printer and letter-founder of the City of Middelburg in
Zealand'. The order was dated 18 September 1581. Gabriel
Guyot is recorded as denizened in England and living in
London in 1576,1583, 1585 and 1588, working as 'lettre-maker
for printers'. At the earlier date he was 'in Mr Dayes hous',
sci. John Day the printer (Alien members of the book-trade during the
Tudor period, ed. by E. J. Worman, 1906, pp. 15, 26). He was a
son of François Guyot, typefounder of Antwerp (Antwerp,
Stadsarchief, Weesmeesterskamer no. ii, Staten van Rekenin-
gen June 1579, N°- 7)- In 1592 he had apparently settled as a
typefounder in Rotterdam (see p. 64). He died in Rotterdam
m 1610. See for a fuller account, and notably for an inventory
of his workshop after his death, Briels pp. 292-300. Dirck
Fransz, (otherwise Dirck Adamsz) appears to have succeeded
him in the typefoundry, Briels p. 283.
[1] Briels p. 136 lists for the period 1580-1625 nine type¬
founders working in the northern Netherlands. Charles
Enschedé qualifies Hendricksz as a typefounder, presumably
because some matrices were included in the sale of the equip¬
ment of his second successor, Hildebrand van Wouw (see p.
24). If Hendricksz also had them, it seems likely to have been
the common case of a printer owning matrices for his own
[2] The ups and downs of Elsevier books as collectors'
pieces are the subject of a chapter in a book by Andrew Lang,
Boots and bookmen, 1886. Exaggerated respeft for them is less
common now than it was when Charles Enschedé wrote; in
fact, the pendulum is at the other extreme : the founding
of their types and their impression are hardly sufficiently
[3] A. Willems, Christo|el van Dijck de lettersnijder voorde Elseviers,
De Nederlandsche Spectator 1878, pp. 10-11 ; id. Christophe van
Dyck, le graveur des poinçons des Elzevier, in : L'art. Revue hebdo¬
madaire illustrée 4, t, 1,1878, p. 43.