ends of words, this fount was made for setting French. The combinations useful
for Dutch may have been added later.1
civilité types of English-bodied civilité No. 12.2 Among the matrices we acquired with the stock of
uncertain ascription ploos van Amstel was a set for a Civilité dating from the second half of the sixteenth
century. In the inventory of Ploos van Amstel the provenance of this set is given
janvanHout J J x • 1 1 • 1
at Leyden as Hendrik van der Putte; and type specimens in our possession show that it be¬
longed early in the eighteenth century to Izaak van der Putte, the father of Hendrik.3
I cannot tell from whom he got it; but by a fortunate chance I have traced the
craftsman who cut the punches.
On 15 November 1577 the Common Council of Leyden resolved to buy type and
a press to print the city's charters. The Clerk to the Council, Jan van Hout, was
put in charge of the undertaking. He ordered two founts from Hendrik van den
Keere, typefounder of Ghent; these were a Pica Civilité (our N0.14; see p. 56) and a
Bourgeois Roman, to the value of 196 florins, 14 stivers. In 1586 the Clerk bought
another fount from the younger Hendrik van den Keere for 84 florins, 17 stivers,
10 doits.4 This was a Civilité on English body, evidently our No. 12. With this Van
Hout printed the rules of the Great Béguinage of Leyden, dated 29 December 1586.5
A part of this work is shown reset in fig. 32, and fig. 33 is a resetting of a specimen
of the type composed by Van Hout between 1593 and 1597.6
5ÖW fuflry Яя% /им ifrex ioe p55tfy ? ¿ffl <0>od fmeímé}, Sjftt?
iwiacf^ieatì) oit^tjjj ? &ni^ oock 5411*9 foni /iiiei fit) (jef^iiffie-
fpoft^ (Wiafx (feek f$€w) Я)ооіс mii) a№fn еЪАдеусЛзеу : Цох^ fin
fit) {$ex*f((fe ои<т) ¡mffffem /lúeí aefx^iiigc-yjc-fctfciicuc-yi
(Sx, 25
Щ <£ ft SP 5Й> X g $ a€cx>b^fie^f3S^^¿.fí
i il, £____ nini it) uiiijop^ хг (*
« 2. г 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. зз- English-bodied Civilité no. 12. Resetting of part of Jan van Hout's type-specimen.
[ 1 ] They may be put down to a close association of Granjon [4] Hendrik van den Keere the younger died in 1580 (Early
and Silvius for two or three years beginning in 1565. Silvius Inventories p. 51). Charles Enschedé is evidently relying here
used the St. Augustin with some variant letters for several on a petition by Jan van Hout for recovery of his expenses
books during that time and then abandoned it for Enschedé's sent in 1597 (printed by Rammelman Elsevier, De voormalige
Type no. 12. Plantin used it first in 1581 for Pontus de Heuiter, druláerij op het raadhnis der stati Leyden, pp. 275-293), and has mis-
NcdctdiiitseortliOi)rapltie(BelgicaT-vpograpliirai446,Carter-Vervliet 198); read a passage in it. Van Hout wrote that he bought the
other Antwerp printers had it from 1591 onwards. Its first ap- Mediaen gescreven (i.e. Enschedé's no. 14) from Van den Keere
pearance in the northern Netherlands, so far as I know, was in 1577, and that he had a fount of the Aiigustyn gescreven cast
in the specimen-book of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel in in 1586. He does not name the supplier of the second fount.
1767. (H. C.) However, he says that in 1582 he had a fount cast of Double
[2] CTV 99. Carter-Vervliet type A 4 (tentatively attributed to Pica (Roman) by the executors of the deceased Willem Silvius.
Granjon). The fount cast in 1586 came possibly from the same source.
[3] List of type-specimens no. 49, which contains Mediaan [5] Keitre nopende de hityzen opten Grooten Bagijnho[, LG A 254/14.
Geschreeven, with admixtures as well as a set of Van Hout's [6] The specimen known to Charles Enschedé showed the
initials. They are also shown on Hendrik van der Putte's types of Van Hout's press. It was appended by Van Hout to
specimen of с 1749, List of type-specimens no. 82. In the in- his petition of 1597 (Rammelman Elsevier, Voonnalige Dmtterij,
ventory of the firm of Ploos van Amstel written by G. J. van p. 293). The unique copy in the municipal archives of Leyden
Rijswijk, Museum Enschedé, CTV 318 b/i, is written against has been lost since a long time (Het Boek 21, 1932-33, pp.
nos. 261, 263, 265, Mediaan Geschreeven: van der Putte. 249-250; Copy and Print p. 124); see also List of type-specimens
no. 5.
fiííybrtí* (fr* ! modify ЯМзооигу. &ai Jtifg o№e rtubifinf ^pr\four~y /iMr'v'bii^'
fj&çteyXte5j> fifjt ¿mocy ^гииРу4>6effe?icieyjewuceciiSeßßt-y,5„й5?у
З&З^^амфуЗ^мМЬ 5"flfty эУУ^гЧ Ялу 6s-* Ч>А&ЛАЛ>.
%if л£ЗмГѵ xftfq frtfy-&Mj>jiii?y /modify gi{y ¿jeßßeeft, ¡te^eiißBaotbeftc Ли
ßeßtnbe ígniS 54"í>^3 oiySf ЩдндА) (wffptfrÄßific #Щ (&> ¡тюбу
ßfyßey eeßSomte\0e, tfïiy ßffiry &1UJ je oMxyñae, yubfx pernotti, miiÇfm
(&*jvmgey finiti /nfmtij, fiiidxc 3¿ífj Слг\ веввеотще àììbfxe of-etad^-
iicÉ^ití^ ^ѵиоо^у ¡такеу, ten Я&іЛ fifwirtíry ЦуОУ^ ЯзлиЪі^ Яоо*-
(c^ffirt. SDtvßexfeeyi.
Ovooiiiucmfy зйф W afee ~o&>jene oit? foey-ßa^yiieyqeßßee(t^yit-
\xfS} fiítbf oßfx зиф х€с$Ы¿іЦ^Щддеп ífcfifiry of fitCÌàìbfxfv),
fiììbe Sîooï^rtcvi^ Sjrtubr'y XfiSii) ^of з^у SjivÄodiiy, ßiumfy fify
\a€xgegœïibft) уіЩ) 5j>y Sjßrlhfv ехз <>vcy ßof if comet) Язвооііі?й3 op
¡penerai ^iíii xecfìi a¡€) ¡паех оілдех^еШооіііеі) ае^ъеу ße( &£
5¿>y Sjv^icßrttfify.
<&,пье eeuutgtnbf г&> Ци^е^цу' aixeetí) «t\¡bt\¡ ^of ЯлРѵ^йгу
5КУ' fiìtbe ^oooxtí) зийіу comty іх^ S>i*ßrtfli%3 ^ßßv^y оеѵйтие&а
fiiioe уеЬейхігаіоіу' x,eese ßg>e (ЯедхЪіп, ЯшіШ) ßof, г^ ^oßetcü.^
вѵ^ъіе ЯілиЪіі-' <£>execí$(e Ч>оо*|"с$пя5а, jefteä 3^у, fitìbx^ Яюо«(^
gefieäзийісу Яове&еу, ßgabßpeЯмиЪі,'-'С&йхуехтеес&хеу ^ш&лiU
oev) fienile 'picof^ffowfy, ¡t~iüe ге $eeße л£»Я>о*?у $е«ф $*^} оеу
зйй?у ^oßexbet) Sjcw-of/, oiy іо({§йу feßet) о^Яіѵ^ѵ/я^с^уЯздиЬіу jifc
ßiy ^^eßxuvd(e ßßiftoi'y, t% -oaexfit) fryîîi>
\&s{jfaßt\f сожй! yiù, (o(tfeuxlugex ßifi, /епьегоігі^ ^efße $ífy jf-
\axct) fiiide yeßZibexi¿où,Sjßi^^y Bgbeje%oe&&'Скдвяів). Wef-
ßifvf&rntiif W ілИ WG* ßefoa^oe coop-pí'tiiiiiier'y^br'y fixfqeiiometj Чми-
\i^ rtf^ffTovfiry CBagyiiey, ^йу jexecí$ácf¡ej>i a&) Ч?лу аЩ, ¡mií^oe-
\ex кетЩ&^ Я)ог^іРу злі^—
2ôii<9geoaty fitfc&'^efeuxi opírjí т.д. Q)ecewißex 1586. ßy IМехе, ^pieíex -^екх \ох\§ Я?лу (£oxießeä, ¿facoß Шесет$ ЯздиЪЛ C&Uxdf, (Sxììbxief) ¿Jacaßß, ^oßßty ¿ïaxify, ¿^¿LauxeiiÇ) (Sx.11- <£&<$ 'Gc^lfôr-*, <Ç?c($ef>eh6y. Qriiiadßgi) Яду ^^(З^ЪкмсЯ^Яди- V« Wexf, чріекх Ooiy ^iv^vJ^rtyOfïfir^^&^Ê^^ftiJ ^xoußßex, ^nbt.o'^rtcvjß ÊSjav^J геfyeq,Kuxgexmeeffexeij.<&ìt,&s /ПдЛЯюоіулгпЪіГcfoc^-^fßlc^4)oo?^)i%S5ofdrV rtf^ff^cy ор^гу^ЪЛ- Qèy ¡ту ^. Яму ßoui. Fig. 32. English-bodied Civilité no. 12. Resetting of part of the Rules of the Groot Begijnhof at Leyden, printed by Jan van Hout, Leyden 1586. 53
! c% С*ЛУ KxoucSvßty <£>сфйі> Ш&ет ^оіі^ Яіду
Nivlr^ Яму ^ßßrtv
(ác^fffy «Öicimß«^ одЛ лгу 4>ofijcMbtf\