partnership with
Cornells Nozeman
Two-line Pica Italic Titling Capitals no. 808.
Two-line Large English-bodied Italic Titling Capitals N0.807.
Two-line Great Primer Italic Tiding Capitals no. 806.
Four-line Small Pica Italic Titling Capitals N0.805.
Four-line Large English-bodied Italic Titling Capitals no. 804.
Fig. 338. Italic Titling Capitals, cut by Rosart.
Very soon after the appearance of this specimen-book Enschedé bought from
Rosart titling capitals. In 1758 as now listed in our inventory: italic Titling Capitals on
Four-line [barge] English body No. 804, on Four-line Small Pico No. 805, on Two-line Great Primer
No. 806, on Two-line [borge] English body No. 8oj, and on Two-line Pico No. 808 (fig. 338). And
in 1759: shaded Titling Capitals on Four-line [borge] English body Roman No. 809 and Greek No.
810, on Two-line Great Frimer Roman No. 811 and Greek No. 812, on Two-line ¡Large] English body
Roman No. 813 and Greek No. 814 and on Four-line Small Fica Greek No.815 (figs. 334,335, p. 268).
Not long before he moved to Brussels, Rosart also sold to my ancestor a strike
for the Faragon Hebrew with points No. 6y and Faragon Hebrew without points No. 623 of our
inventory (figs. 339,340).
Rosart's Rosart's dealings with a few typefounders in the Low Countries were not enough
to be profitable, and as he did not succeed in finding enough customers for the
producís of his foundry he had pecuniary difficulties. He tried to escape from them
by going into partnership in 1755 with Cornelis Nozeman, a Remonstrant Calvinist
l7')Ct V r^nî+d f I
Fig- 337- Signs for Calendars, cut by Rosart.
minister,1 who had some money but no knowledge of typefounding. The firm of
Corn. Nozeman & Comp, issued a specimen in its second year,2 showing besides
some of the types I have already mentioned a Great Primer Roman and Italic and
a Pica Italic.3 The association, however, proved to be no remedy. Nozeman was
called to pastoral duties in Rotterdam in 1759 and Rosart left for Brussels. His
partnership with Nozeman was dissolved and the contents of the foundry, or at
least the matrices, were put up to auction and sold on 11 November 1760.4 Enschedé
bought the Paragon Italic No. j8j mentioned on pp. 256—257, the twenty-eight very
fine ornamental initials No. 816 of our inventory cut in brass, and some brass surrounds
for initials (figs. 341,342, pp. 272,273).
In Brussels Rosart set up a typefoundry under the patronage of Charles Alex- Rosnnin Brussels
ander, Duke of Lorraine, the first ever to be established in that city. The government
of the Austrian Netherlands had [authorized Jean-Henri Maubert to set up a Royal
Printing Office. In one way or another Rosart's departure to Brussels may have had
something to do with that printing office.5]
Undoubtedly, the rising fortunes of the typefoundry of Izaak and Johannes
Enschedé had contributed to the misfortunes of Rosart's. Jacques-François Rosart
always felt aggrieved, and he lost no opportunity of telling the world that, though
he had been unable to compete successfully with it, the rival house owed its success
to him. He made this claim in the specimen-book that he published in Brussels
Ъй? d^ttÍ пігр Щр ¿ТУ '.rrj¿\
niny ілргда "fjfCT тппілісл^о
Dirí-уі \цп грктИ? r\py np; :чу?
:inn3 dtí^Í? "рг Txyb \r\; pp¿ : пігр
nSru йгЦ nrb i¿^9 тіп т^ур пэ
Fig. 339- Paragon Hebrew No. 637, cut by Rosart.
m tress p^rra sps лк впп prim :ргп -or muh) mrr injn лк ѵгх
torrcr ппкі ітйщ ih опеоеп mprm arin зтсэ psrb -rat Dys oSin
Fig. 340. Paragon Hebrew no. 623, cut by Rosart.
[1] See Banditi and HoeJlake p. 24. but the Italics belonging to the Pica and the Small Pica are
[2] Epreuve des caracteres ... Corn. Nozeman e/ Сотр., Haarlem named Mediaan Italique and Descendioan Italique. The Italiques
(1756). List of type-specimens No. 96. Besides this specimen- are in the manner commenced by Gando and are different
book there is also a broadside issued at about the same time in style from the Italics (see Boudin and Hoejlake p. 39, and
and showing the types mentioned. This is the Proefvan lettereu ... Updike 1, p. 271).
C. Nozeman, en сотр., Haarlem. List of type-specimens No. 98. [4] Verfcooping Wan een Compleete lettergieterij ... С Noseman en
[3] In the broadside and the specimen-book issued by Сотр., Haarlem 1760. List of type-specimens no. 104.
Nozeman & Сотр. the designation of the types is in Dutch, [5] See Boudin and Hoejlak p. 26.