No. 13. Brevier.
no. 14. Small Pica. *Ш я* «L afa аь 10 no. 15. Small Pica. no. п. Small Pica. no. 12. Paragon. no. 13. Paragon. No. 14. Double Pica. Fig. 321. Moon Phases cut by Rosart. N0.7. Brevier. N0.8. Small Pica. 5 ? S ¿ 9 Ъ S no. 9. Small Pica. Fig. 322. Planet signs, nos. 7 and 8 cut by Rosart; * D A S rf A U No. 4. Brevier. * □ A o° cC Л IP Fig. 323. Aspeft signs cut by Rosart. % fy ft I 3 Э ß Small Pica. >¡( Acetum. •Sí Acetum deftillat. A Aër. % Aes uftum. "\A Alichol vini. XX Alembicus. О Alumen. â Amalgama. ? Antimonium. V Aqua. SF . . . Fortis. V? . . . Regia. .v. Arena. D Argentimi. 2 Argent, vivum. 00 Arfenicum. 00 Auripigment. Ѳ Aurum. IVB Bain, maris. \5 Bain, vaporis. d Borax. ¥ Calx viva. © Caput mortuum. £ Cinis. è- Cinnaber. сгч Diilillare. ê Ferrum. 8 Hora. Ш Menüs. Ь± Mercur. fublim. Ф Nitrum. óo Oleum. v Pilulœ. =ü= Prœcipitatio. 81 Pulvis. Ѳ Sal. 20 Sal alcali. Ѳ* Sal ammoniac. ce Sal gemmae. Ѳ- Sal volatile. Л^ Spiritus vini. Ч Stannum. =û= Sublimatio. A Sulphur. X Talcum. 9 Tartarus. ® Tutia. Vi Vinum rubrum. ^р 0 Ф Ж £ УР ЕЕ Ш х М- Ѳ © í У о [9)-і.хт8% Fig. 325. Chemical signs cut by Rosart. Resetting of part «ess Great Primer. No. 4. Brevier. N0-5. Small Pica. + <>::-т-^тА + хѳѳі/ v* œ ф Small Pica. 264 JACQUES-FRANÇOIS ROSART Since then it has been generally assumed that the pretensions of Rosart were ДО f #< % Ж^^Жа^^Ж^^^^Жд^^Жл^д^^^^ j¡3j *?Ss, a % eлзіл®те9i в 3) e Dubbelde Mediaan Gefchreven. Fr. Cicero à deux Points coulé. ams Ce defein ou пош fo omme ae паш urur} av-ec £a №= neaiction ou (getanem1. par ¿érf iere *Алг= аѵ-агы niauer} aue naíre arem nance eft a ^Jjinianoa-e prochain. ¿Уош паш Mattona ¡ aue наш cPoó trié пито-Сез et trè*s амшм J. F. Rofart fculpfit. m E ■4^ ¿J NJí-ír>t-¡jí-J"j-^;-jr^r;^Tr5V>j£TCTt-¡j£-^^ Fig. 328. Two-line Pica Script No. 798, cut by Rosart in 1753. [ 1 ] This manuscript note and the following are written in can be seen in his account book (Haarlem, Museum Enschedé, 265
1& ;fe «S
Fig. 320. Zodiac signs cut by Rosart.
no . 9 is from the foundry of H. and A. Bruyn.
no. 5. Small Pica.
Fig. 324. Medical signs cut by Rosart.
A Ignis.
V Terra.
Ѳ Viride ctris.
Фі Vitriolum.
E Urina.
of the type-specimen of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
Fig. 326. Commercial signs cut by Rosart.
Fig. 327. Mathematical signs cut by Rosart.
pure vanity; and that was my belief when I wrote the Gedenhcrmjt for the jubilee of
our firm in 1893. But I must confess that I never felt easy in my mind about it, for
mere negation is not enough answer to the arguments which can be put from
Rosart's side. And lo and behold, our collection has two specimens of type-set
music on one of which Johannes Enschedé wrote: 'Specimen of Music invented by
Rosart'. On the other [Fleischman1] wrote: 'This type is invented at Haarlem and
made by J. F. Rosart. 1750'. Moreover, the original specimen of the script type is
marked [by Fleischman]: 'This Italian script is invented as type to go with the
fízintíS пегим du %/fîariaae: пош
C'nanneur at ѵ-оиа commu-
'v-auawz men рѵепож part a natre
fatiéjactian. et natu croire ¡ avec
Ca pCuó parjaite cant¿aeration.
<&eroùteur et Servante
Resetting of part of the type-specimen of Johannes Enschedé, 1768.
the same hand which is Fleischman's. This same handwriting стѵ 298 f ).