book from his foundry at the Hague1 and thinking that the best way of pushing
his wares was to write in the preface that some of his types were made with punches
cut by Fleischman, although the assertion was quite untrue. As a natural conse¬
quence, when the Brothers Ploos van Amstel next produced a specimen-book, in
1784,2 they made it plain in the foreword, set in the script type that Fleischman had
cut in his last days, that only their foundry and that of Enschedé had any types by
the great artist.3
CSVеГ.& at/Я,
оьіеп} felon nous} oe plus maf à pro=
pas. au une tonane preface à la tete
dime (bpreuve oe (oaracteresу с est pour-
û/ttat, noua avons l nonneur oe vous
engouer cette nouvelle Gpreuve oe nos
ifionoeries tout ßmpternent; en follcc-c,-
tant la, continuation ae votre faveur ;
perfuaoes aue cette Cbdition auamentee
donne aereco-ef maraue aue nous n epar-
OAions oepenfes nt, peenes pour amplifcei*
ÔG ameùltorer ndtre t/' afxiaue pour vo¬
tre fervice ÔG pour etenchee l utile U u-
poarapnie. Jvous n avons plus rien à
íürCj atte о* avettvr druesfteurs les Um-
piUmeuì'S} out ne le favent peut-etice pas
tous j au on ne trouve en aucune t/' onoerte
Fig. 271. Two-line Small Pica Script no. 96, cut by Fleischman in 1768. Resetting of
part of the preface to the type-specimen of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1784.
[1] See List of type-specimens no. 129.
[2] See List of type-specimens no. 132. This specimen-book
is undated, but it appears from the foreword to their speci¬
men-book issued from the Leidsegracht (see List of type-
specimens No. 139) that their previous one was issued in 1784.
No doubt that this one is meant, because they refer to it as
to their large edition.
[3] In 1732—52 Fleischman sold matrices for six of his
Romans and four of his Italics to Ulrich Pfeiffer, typefounder
at Nuremberg (Fleischman's account-book in the Museum
Enschedé, CTV 298f, cited in Gedenkchrift, p. 12). Bauer pp. 159-
160 refers to this material; but the information he gives is
not exaft. However, he supposes that the typefoundry which
at one time belonged to Pfeiffer came later into the hands
When Izaak and Johannes Enschedé took possession of the Wetstein Foundry in
T743, their first care was to enlarge the stock. Where types for small bodies were
concerned, they gave the orders to their own punchcutter, Fleischman, but for
large types they went to Rosart.1
Jacques-François Rosart was baptized at Namur on 9 August 1714. He learned
without any instruction to cut punches, and came to Haarlem [where he arrived on
5 May 1740 from Egmond Binnen]. He set up as a typefounder [on the Spaarne
Rosari alici
Matthias Rosart
no oans ce pats ; nt ¿~,
¿lleubSj oes (эа-
ractéices au erlernte Cptaveur ff. jYb.
ÏF-eejQfGffidtëUïjV, (¿'eccedente
capacete auauel en cet art on voit entre
autnes aux (Doocacteres oe cette ^ettice)
au à la t/' onoetie oe ¿ІЪааъіет ÔG à
la notice; ÔG
aue с est am.
attttes fe vantent aue
zfi à faucc
игл tfa-
ausft pour
donnant vos œm,rriisfimis ; vous voiioicez
Sien u> ¿oindre auelaues m m m oe S-aife
caisfc) pour еіь realer la ttautem' ÔG le
corps. G>n vous fouÁattant tout Son-
Aeur ÔG prosperiti) nous avons l nonneur
être avec une pariante estone
зѵсг j ev 3i/
^os tres mimóles Q) erviteurs ;
les irreres ¿РлоОоГ <ѵлж оЪжеР&ЪЛ.
Fig. 272. Two-line Small Pica Script No. 96, cut by Fleischman in 1768. Resetting of
part of the preface to the type-specimen of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1784.
of F. Meyer, and then of J. Ch. Zanker (ibid. pp. 158-159). bodied. In 1923 the face was used for an Insel Verlag edition
According to E. V/etzig in the Archiv [iir Buchgewerbe und Gebrauchs- of Rilke's Neue Gedichte.
grapliil 61, 1924, pp. 441-442 it became recently known that [1] The biographical data in the following paragraphs
the J. Ch. Zanker Typefoundry at Nuremberg possesses the about J.-F. Rosart are brought in accordance with those given
original matrices of the 'Fleischman-Antiqua' and that cast in Baurlin and Ное|1а1ге, passim, where more detailed information
type is available ranging from Nonpareil to Two-line English- about him and his work can be found.