Groóte Auguftyn Muficale Nooten.
(¡5p 3pt/ à «3ab/ be iSot5/ Ьяяг torn oy uoutaen;
Wmt 0115e macjjt/ in fntften fcljaal getaagen/
Sal't noel лйіеі niet onerljaalen mugen :
aianftonb£ uerbtannt boor 1 liiaa3enbanuta^eeft
<Ѳпъ' öeerlpftöetti/ a$ bxaftt nouit setaeefl.
Fig. 237. Psalm-notes on Large English body,
cut by Fleischman in 1746. Resetting of part of the
type-specimen of Izaak and Johannes Enschedé, 1748.
Paragon Ctircyff.
Non mchoantibus prœmium,
fed perfeverantibus datur. Het
loon word met aan den begin¬
nende belooft, maar het word
aan de volhardende gegeeven.
Homerus de vader der poefy. mul-
tum auihem novi feh novi aih'ilta
Fig. 240. Paragon Italic No. 77, cut by Fleischman in 1747.
Resetting of part of the type-specimen of
Izaak and Johannes Enschedé, 1748.
and on succeeding him Hendrik van der Putte issued a new specimen to advertise
the change of ownership, though he had nothing new to put in it.1 The novelty of
Fleischman's style had so captivated Dutch printers that typefounders who could
only offer older types were losing custom. That is why Hendrik van der Putte was
quick to seize the chance allowed him by Enschedé to commission from Fleischman
Den I. Pfalm.
III. Stem.
it niet cn gact in ber gotitloofcn tatù/
Ші op den tocg bet fontmctg niet cn (tact/
Die op den weg der fondaers niet en llaet,
En niet en fit by den fpotters onreyne;
Matt bas en nacSt Sccft in u5ottt0 tact attenne
ЭШ fïjncn ïuft/ ja fpjeedrst imer ban cennacr;
t -Л-
AI fijnen lud, ja fpreeckt daer van eenpaer;
i©lc menfeg ig lMcloelutSfaltsB Uoojtaaee.
BASSUS. Den I. Plalm. II. Stern.
Die mensch is welgeluckfaligh voorwaer.
DISCANT. Den I. Pfalm. IUI. Stern.
Die op den weg der fondaers niet en ftaet.
Maer dag en nacht heeft in Gods wet alleyne
AI fijnen luti, ja fpreeckt daer van eenpaer;
Maer dag en naebt heeft in Godts wet alleyne
AI fijnen lu ft, ja fpreeckt daer van eenpaer;
ft V и-чЭ-ич^Уо-чЭ-иЧ
Die nienfch is welgeluckfaligh voorwaer.
.-"V ж<>—"н—
Die menfeh is wel geluckfaligh voorwaer.
SO 2 2 HP
Fig. 238/239. Resetting of two pages of the Psalms for four voices.
Haarlem, Izaak and Johannes Enschedé, 1753.
[1] He issued three different sheets, no. i, no. II, and no. Ill, headed as described in List of type-specimens Nos. 81, 82 and 83
Descendiaan Romyn.
Honeftum & decorum expetendum. Nihil praclari-
os quam bene de Rep. mereri. Saluti publica; Temper
Sunfulendum. Florente Repub. omnia bona iupetunt
tervata pace reftitua fœlicitas. Summum bonum civi-
acte, Concordia civium, firmamentum Reip. Conftan-
tia c'ivium arx munitiffima. Virtutes urbi vera funt or¬
namenta. Felix Refp. ornata bonis civibus. Vir fapi-
ens eft civitatis fplendor.
Fig. 243. Small Pica Roman no. 78, cut by Fleischman for
H.van der Putte in 1749. Resetting of part ofthe type-specimen
ofthe Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
Mediaan Romyn.
Aftra funt, ceu lampades in iEthere fufpenfse, utm
deffinenter circumcirca rotate, Lumine fuo tene¬
brie illuminent, Curfu autem temporum vices dime
îantur. Planeta: funt feptem, Quiique in fuo Orbe
Infima eft Luna, que, prout nobis illuftrem fui me
dietatem exhibet, Ergo incrementa, & décrémen¬
ta pati videtur, Retardatione que fua Menfes efficit
Fig. 245. Pica Roman No. 80, cut by Fleischman for
H. van der Putte in 1751. Resetting of part ofthe type-specimen
of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
Galjard, of Groóte Brevier Romyn.
Hamburg den 1 Maart. Gifteren ochtend is te Altona in het
Illuftre School door eenige Gymnafiaften een welgeelaboreerde Lof-
Rede, ter occafie van \ Geboorte-Feeft zyner Koninglyke Hoogheyd
denErf-Prins Chriftiaan van Denemarken enNoorwegen.indeDuyt-
fe en Latynfe Taal, onder een keurlyke Vocaal- en Inftrumentaal-
Muftcq, gehouden; de toevloed van Toehoorders was buyten ge-
nieen, hebbende de Peroranten de goedkeuring zo wel van den pre-
fenten Magiftraat en de Geleerden, als van de geheele frequente mee-
nigte van Ч Gemeeii weggedragen.
Fig. 244. Bourgeois Roman no. 79, cut by Fleischman for
H. van der Putte in 1750. Resetting of part of the type-specimen
of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
in 1749 a Small Pica, a Bourgeois in 1750, and in 1751 a Pica Roman, which are now
the small Pica Roman No. 78, the Bourgeois Roman N0.70, and the Pica Roman No. 80 of our
inventory (figs. 243—245).
Later, in 1756, Van der Putte gave Fleischman an order for Small Pica Italic. I have
not been able to find matrices for it. This typefounder never published a complete
specimen of his material including the faces that Fleischman cut for him: he may
well have sent out separate proofs of them. The earliest showing of these types
known to me is in the 1767 specimen-book of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, the
firm that bought out the Widow Van der Putte in that year. * The printing business,
however, remained in the family. After the death ofthe widow in 1774 the children
continued it under the style of de Erven UendriV van der Putte (the Heirs of Hendrik
van der Putte) and finally sold it in 1794.2
Other Dutch founders were anxious to follow Van der Putte in resorting to
Fleischman. The next was Jacob Cambier. He, it will be remembered,3 had become
[the owner ofthe foundry derived partly from Christoffel van Dijck]. No additions
had been made to the stock of this foundry for seventy years; naturally it had lost
much of its custom. It was no great extravagance, therefore, for Cambier to order
a new Pica from Fleischman in 1752, and a year later to have a Small Pica cut by
the same hand. These faces are now the pica Roman No. &, the Pica italic No. 82, the
Small Pica Roman N0.83, and the Small Pica Italic No. 84 of our inventory (figs. 246—249,
[1] See note 4 on p. 135.
[3] See p. 88.
[2] Catoloijiis van letters etc., Erve H. v. d. Putte. Amsterdam 1794. List of type-specimens No. 141.