229 Textura. Study by the author.
^gúÉTam bcrril сжйг DamD dbe fauft
# ^P_jLmcDohníftía$ornatíona0fegor
*^реф químuo febalD tbúríngm pogcfen
urban гѵоШ^щ$ yfop за I\amburç
230 Textura. Study by the author.
Мъ т\ в iß л rj n fc>J£I€[
231 Lombard versais. Study by the author.
bao Sdjroere tit der Kampf, aber ber Kampf tit bao Vergnügen. Komam Rollan*
232 Textura. Study by the author.
^оГсс rtíntr AJibtrfymáj, ótìx, niemand
-Qáikfdi ¡m anttr Md £$tm.
233 Textura. Study by the author.
234 Textura. Study by the author.
235 Rotunda capitals. Study by the author.
236 Textura capitals. Study by the author.