;r№ft íi/he^ ^е іоод tnto the ¿ist^Ce, the h^ri
zon ^ppe-ars cioser to ^5 tira1"1 it âiâ to ec\r
iter c^it^res. j>^Ce ^л^ ^ігле ЗГе c°m
pressed. ftro^cíí-the-u/oriíJ! is т^ іол£е-г jar.
The тоол is лезг. fl-r.<î /&е^с5 th-at. Ле^Л
o^r s°^r system, Ле^Л °ar ¡ъЛъхЦ -are
others, S° °JteTi visited! іті th°*£ht, that thetf
have ЛеСогпе jamUiar. Familiarità itseij
is "пои/ the materici ^ m^th-mB^i"ní. The
famUiar is íeepe^i^í, reveled riot to Ле,
not a sarface, ^*at ^ vo^me. U/e *arseives,
t^eíjeí ¿et^ee™ т.еаг a™¿ jar, are the «Л
Jects of m^th. U/e exist, s°meh<»w, s°me
where, ¿et^ee™ the tnjtnite$imaJ¿¥ smaii
a"í the inji"iUJt iarje. a"J Jr»m this
piace. Tiavijate tlu>*f h oncept*aJ
a^i percept^ai «raters.
fr»m -|e»°"< the marims «f Ike Paie"
m ft R К J ft R T L £ T T J
126 info@fontboy.com
Яз M Ce dì £e Ff G£ Hh Jl Jj \U Li
ftb U Ce M ее Fj G$ Hh Ji Jj \U U /Tim Ып Oo pp Q^ Rr ^ Jl
U^ Vv Шш Xx Y^ Zz 0ia.34!T(37&5> к!@##%л&*+=?» {©®}
Baufy Normal dingbat Baufy Normal 9/10
The J/esii" Straten °f an ic°n, a poster, a довДі a ^ t$ l[|e visua_, Counler
p°int te u/hal the u-riter съХХь rhetoric. Graphic Jìesijn is vis-ai rhetoric meant
to persie, to convince, i» moVe. to то^иіге. to affect behavior, jl татр* ъХХ
пъ M Ce ürf £e Ff 0% Hh II Jj bU Li mm /Vn Oo pp Q^ Rr JS Tt
U* Vv Шш Xx уУ-^г оіаЗіГбуЯ ? () {©®}
Baufy Medium dingbat Baufy Medium 9/10
The destín sirateítf of an icon, 3 poSter, a /too.*, -a stjn, is the vls-ai counter
point to u/hat the writer ca-Us rhetoric. Graphic ¿esi^n ts vis-a-t rhetoric meant
io pers-aie. t° convince, to m°ve. 1° mo/ÍLttze. t» a/Ject /iehavtor. ¡t mantpu -¡¿X
Яъ M Ce DJ £e Ff 0% Hk li Jj |¿ft Le mm rVn Oo pp Qç Rr js fi
U* Vv U/u/ Xx Yy-îz oia34S"67*? (
Baufy Bold dingbat Baufy Bold 9/10
Baufy Bold 9/10
The iesijn straleítf °f an icon
me «esij" siraiej» "} a" icon, -a poSter, а Л°°м. a sijn, ts th6 vistai counter
point to u/hat the writer ca^s rhetoric. Graphic iesi^n iS vis«ai rhetoric meant
to pers-aie. to convince, to move, to tWiUze. t° affect 4ehavior. jt manip« ъХХ
пг M Ce U €e Ff Qg Hk li Jj \ІЛ LX mm А/л Oo pp ^г Rr ^s в
U« Vv W*, XxY^îz ві*ЗАГС7»? () {о®}
Baufy Bulky 9/10
Tlie .ІеііГ1 Strateí» »f an tcon, a poSter. a /і»оД. a sir1- li t«e vls«a^ c««nler point
lo u»hat the u»riter caiXs rhetoric. Graphic i*sifn is vlj«a^ rhetoric meant to
pers"aie. to convince, t» „.ve. to iWutie. to afject /lehavlor. jt manipu ъіЛ
m M Ce li ее Ff OS Hk li Jj \iJk Li mm N" •• Pp %« Rr J$ Tl
Baufy Chunky dingbat Baufy Chunky 9/10
ff^^S Tb* '»siin stratoi» .J an іс.л, » p.jter. a /¡»-Jt. a si^n. i¡ the vis-a^ c.«nt»r point
M t. what tk» «riter ea^s rhetoric. Graphic i»¡ijn i¡ vi,«a^ rhel-ric meant t.
^^r^^ perj<*aJe. to convince, to mov». to mo.lUi»». to affect -»»каѵіт. /t manip« гХХ
Bob Aufuldish
Bob Aufuldish
aufy Chunky
Bob Aufuldish