Mike Kohnke
Mike Kohnke
Ш ШпеШі & NinsBoÜ
The, quick ink-line, typeface, that is. machine, shop. ¡«eadu- for^
hoid and neavu--duty- tasks. Assimilated from the,
ohawcteristies of IwLndwtHtina- and саШд^чірпу, Ninetfoit
wus. engineered to- emphasise, the, bottom. connections^
The result is a strong, yraphic. baseline, with, a Left to- right movement, ñnother
intentimi was. to- desimi a typeface, that had. 3 degrees mope, slant than the.
common Б degrees, found in manu script faces. One. could say. that the. 9
degree, hackhone, yives ЫіпеУЫі extra verve, and vigor; The. main, design yoal
was. to achieve, a auick repetition, of hard angles that move, along the. haseline.
Once. the. font is. set in text, it has. the. quality- of having a continuous,
straight line, along the. baselines. This, "ink-line." serves, as. a vehicle, to-
communicate, and resemble, rule, lines, drafting, and note taking.
OZ7T7T^aí2i///OÍ}fJ§flBrItfSsÓyt»Í3Zzi/2V4 з/ц32;-х©
TX Reflux wffh a Bold
is a resuif from a fype design sfudy based on
handwrih'ng analysis. The projecf began wifh
fhe supposition fhaf we offen seiecf fypefaces
based on fheir personality. The criferia of
graphology was juxfaposed wifh major
aspecfs of fype design. For example, a
graphologfsf would look af a person's pen
pressure fo defermine fheir vifalify and
spirif. fl bold hand would equafe fhaf he or
she mfghf be very self-assured and
energeffc. Designers can make a heavier
weighf fypeface fhaf follows fhis idea.
In the case of Reflux, fhe handwriting
sample for which if was based on,
revealed a person who is philosophical in
nature and a free thinker. Í8/B point}
In fhe case of Reflux, the handwriting
sample for which it was based on,
revealed a person who is philosophical
in nature and a free thinker. f8/B point)
In fhe case of Reflux, the handwriting sample
for which if was based on, revealed a person
who is philosophical in nature and a free
thinker. (?/? point)
In fhe case of Reflux, fhe handwriting sample
for which it was based on, revealed a person
who is philosophical in nature and a free
thinker. 07? point)
In fhe case al.Reflux, fhe handwrlffng sample for which
If was based on, revealed a person who is philosophical
in nafure and a free fhfnfcer. Í6/6 poinfl
In fhe case of Reflux, fhe handwriting sample for
which if was based on, revealed a person who is
philosophical In nature and a free thinher. СБ/6 polntj
Mike Kohnke
Mike Kohnke