ÇDcutic ¿fica Jcrikt.
J hen tÁjtihha fuld unto V.iutj J tien a-1 fier m it ted
to /juaÁfor thuLif. J hen U auf ft ret died tetti, the Linci.
ano anfnered for mm Lit: J wink mufctf fulfill и JCina
b/Linijifiaj becavfe U matt an fiver tor mufctf tttia datp
retore- Jntc, toucnin-z alt the tntna-з whereof U am ac^
at ted of the Tervó : cjjltciaitu. vecaufo J /now tnee to
ve expert m ait, enfi orna ano aiieftionc rvtucn are amona
aie- Java: nmetefore *J veteeen ince to h¿ar me hatientiu.
%y4itir manner cf lite from mu y outhf which rvoá at the
fir it amona mine on>n nation at Jerusalem, nnow ate
I tie fewdj rvtucn nneiv mc from tne veainntna (if they
ovouid tettifи J ¿nat after the mote ftiaitefi jet of our
с ttuicii) »У uvea a J nan tee. tÁyid noni *J ftand and
in iti со for the hohe of the h torn i te made of Çod
itnto our fattura: mito rvtucn hiomife
■a tuen, tíohe a ßiiä. J bina ^Äarihhaj «У am acc7tfed of
ine Ісіѵб. пни fu outd it ve t nouant a ihina mcredivCe
«vitti iiuio tiuit C-od fhoutd ratte the dead. J vcritit-
ihvitaiii inth mutetf that ¿t ottant to do manu thtnaa
a/ltrar.i to the name of ІЧ11<І °f Jt axer etti: tvhich ttunoé
t/ atto did in fcritialcm : and mann of tue tarnte did
¿I /nut nil en fini firn tiavina received auttiotitu- from the
'(/if hitefto : ano nt/en theu mere hut to death «./ aave
утр cut ce ajainit them. tStnd ¿I jiunifhed them oft 111
t tarif fiina.io.iue ano comheited them to viaf ihcnic : ano
letup txctediinilij іпіід aaaintt them} »/ fieifecutcd them,
л sjj с g> s T/ $ ytJxx at jro sf з & 82. ThomasCottreU's'Anglaise'i774[247] 141