Quousque tandem abu-
tere, Catalina, patientia
nostra? quamdiu nos e-
tiam furor iste tiras elu¬
dei? quem ad flnem sese
effrenata jactabit auda¬
cia? nihilne te noctur-
num praesidium palatii,
nihil urbis vigilile, nihil
£ 1234567890
In the State Lotteries,
now wisely abolished by
the Legislature, the risk
was so greatly against
the adventurer, that, ac¬
cording to the Schemes,
the buyer of the whole
Lottery would lose half
his money. Few, there¬
fore, but the imprudent,
the inconsiderate, & the
110. Henry Casions Double pica Ionic, circa 1844 [261]
produced in this country . . .The more careful the press-work given
to it the more Ionic looks what it is, namely, a somewhat superior cata¬
logue or jobbing type.There is no consensus that Ionic provides the
finally satisfactory newspaper face.'1
Some contemporary ionic faces
Excelsior (Linotype), a lighter and somewhat modified version of
Linotype Ionic, Ideal (Intertype), Ideal News (Amsterdam),
Ionic (Linotype), Ionic No 2 (Monotype).
'the times &MODEHN TYPOGRAPHY. The Monotype Recorder Volume XXI No 246.
September-October 1932.