Alpliabels Old & Neiv
This third edition first published in 1910
by B. T. Datsford, London
This edition published in 1995 by Senate, an imprint of
Studio Editions Ltd, Princess House, 50 Eastcasde Street,
London WIN 7AP, England
All rights reserved
Cover design copyright © Studio Editions Ltd 1995
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ISBN 1 85958 160 9
Printed and bound in Guernsey by
The Guernsey Press Co. Ltd
A book of alphabets like this, for the use of
artists and others who have occasion either to
work in the manner of some given period or to
■design lettering of their own, needs scarcely any
introductory essay.
I have attempted, however, in " Art in the
Alphabet," to give, as simply as possible, that
amount of information about the Alphabet and its
evolution without which it is not safe for the
designer to depart from too familiar forms.
Fuller particulars of the various alphabets than
it was possible to give in this connected and con¬
densed account of the alphabet will be found in the
Descriptive List of Illustrations.
My own ideas on lettering design, enunciated by
the way, are the more frankly expressed because
it must be understood that they are only personal
opinions which the reader will take for what they
are worth.
In the alphabets themselves the spirit of the
old lettering is faithfully kept, though I have not
scrupled to supply missing letters. Scholars will