Subject Index
Acrophony, 24
Age of Enlightenment, 104
Alcuin, 66, 116
Aldine, 10
Ampersand, 102-3
Anglo-Saxon, 56
Anglo-Saxon national hand, 66
Arabic, 104
Asia, 104
Assyrian, 34
Babylonian, 34
Baskerville, John, 11, 17
Benguiat, Ed, 32
Bibles, 65, 66
Bodoni, Giambattista, 11
Book work, 105
Books, letters for, 65-66
Boustrophedonic style, 22
Capital letters, 9,16-63
rustic (simple), 64
square, 64
Caroline minuscule, 17, 66,102,
Carter, Matthew, 17
Caslon, William, 12
Caslon, William IV, 12
Censor, Appius Claudius, 30
Cerastes, 56
Chalcidian, 60
Charlemagne, 17, 66, 102
Christianity, 65, 66
Clarendon, 11-12
Clarendon/legibility, 12
Classification, 10-13
Cleopatra, 38
Colon, 119
Colonna, Francesco, 102
Comma, 118
of lowercase letters, 66-67
of numerals, 105
punctuation, 116
Dexter, Timothy, 116
Didone, 11
Dutch, 10
Egyptian, 16, 20, 24, 26, 28, 32, 34,
38, 40,42,44,46, 50, 52, 56
Em space, 43
En space, 43
English, 11, 12, 28,46,48, 56, 60,
Etruscan, 16, 18, 25, 28, 30, 32, 36,
46, 48, 54, 56, 60, 80
Europe, 10,48, 66, 104
Exclamation point, 121
Fitted numerals, 105
French, 10, 56, 104
Garamond, Claude, 17, 104, 105
Geometric, 13
German, 10, 28, 52
Gill, Eric, 102
Glyphic, 12
Goudy, Frederick, 17, 51, 102
Graphic, 13
Greek, 16, 18, 20,22, 24, 25, 26, 28,
30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44,
48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 60, 62, 80,
104, 116
Griffo, 17
Grotesque, 12-13
Gutenberg, Johann, 17, 66, 104
Half-uncials, 65, 66
Hands, 64
national, 66
Holy Roman Empire, 17, 66, 116
Humanistic, 13
India, 104
Indo-European, 48
Interrobang, 116
Ionic, 60
Irish national hand, 66
Italy, 16, 18, 60
Jensen, 17
Jerome, Saint, 65
Jobbing work, 105
Kipling, Rudyard, 19,44
Latin, 26, 28, 30, 32, 56, 62, 65, 66,
102, 116
for books, 65-66
capital, 9, 16-63
lowercase, 9, 64-101
Lining numerals, 104—5
Lowercase letters, 9, 64-101
Manutius, Aldus, 10, 102,116
Mediterranean, 16
Middle East, 104
Modern, 11, 105
Monospaced numerals, 105
National hands, 66
Neo-Clarendon, 12
Neo-grotesque, 13
Netherlands, 10
Nineteenth Century, 12
Numerals, 9,104-15
Old style, 10-11, 105
Osean, 60
Patrick, Saint, 66
Pepin, 66
Period, 117
Phoenician, 9, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24,
26, 28, 30, 34, 36, 38, 40,42,
44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 60,
Pompeian, 102
Proportional numerals, 105
Ptolemy, 38
Punctuation, 9,116-23
Question mark, 122
Quotation marks, 123
Ranging, 104-5
Renaissance, 17, 116
Revival, 10-11
Roman, 9, 16-17, 18, 20, 22, 25,
28, 30, 32, 36, 40,42, 43,44,
45, 46,47, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56,
60,62, 64,65, 66, 80, 102,
104, 116
Roman cursive, 64-65
Rosetta Stone, 38, 50
Rustic capitals, 64
Sans serif, 12-13
Scotland, 66
Scripts, 13
Semicolon, 120
Semitic, 30, 32, 36,44, 54, 62
Simple capitals, 64
Slab serif, 12
Slimbach, Robert, 102
Spaces, 43
Square, 13
Square capitals, 64
Sumerian, 32, 34, 46
Syrian, 30
Tabular numerals, 105
Thin space, 43
Tiro, Marcus, 102
Trajan, 38, 51, 57, 62
Transitional, 11
Twentieth Century, 11
Typographic terminology, 14-15
Umbrian, 60
Uncials, 65
Venetian, 10
Vulgate Bible, 66
Writing styles, easier, 64-65
Zapf, Hermann, 17, 59, 98
Index to Typefaces
The name of each typeface that
illustrates this book is followed by
the name of its foundry or original
source, which is enclosed in
Aachen® (Letraset), 12
Bold, 18, 45, 63, 68, 97, 123
AG Book Rounded® (H. Berthold
AG), 57, 77
Bold, 70, 83,90, 106, 121
AG Old Face® (H. Berthold AG)
Shaded, 18, 30,74
Akzidenz Grotesk, 13
Albertus® (Monotype), 12, 27, 45,
53, 57, 63,71,81,92, 103,
Italic, 47
Light, 39
Alternate Gothic, 13
ITC American Typewriter® (ITC),
Medium, 103,107
Americana® (Kingsley/ATF), 67, 94
Extra Bold, 80, 110
ITC Anna™ (ITC), 29, 33, 34, 41,
49, 52, 58,112,115,116
Antique Olive® (M. Olive), 13, 67
Arcadia™ (Linotype-Hell AG), 31,
32, 39, 55, 62, 68, 73, 81, 90,
111, 117
Ariadne™ (Linotype-Hell AG), 22,
32,42, 57, 63, 118, 123
Arnold Böcklin™ (Linotype-Hell
AG), 20, 40, 53, 71, 85
Auriol™ (Linotype-Hell AG), 98
ITC Avant Garde Gothic® (ITC),
13, 26,31,45, 55, 68, 118
Bold, 45, 47, 121
Book, 38,42,44, 80
Extra Light, 49, 74, 78, 85, 113
Extra Light Oblique, 88, 97
Avenir™ (Linotype-Hell AG)
45 Book, 26, 48, 50
35 Light, 54
95 Black, 84, 118, 122
Bank Gothic™ (Kingsley/ATF)
Light, 20, 39,45, 62, 114
Medium, 30, 33, 55, 103, 119
ITC Barcelona® (ITC), 51
Barmeno® (H. Berthold AG), 96
Bold, 23
Extra Bold, 29, 73
Extra Bold Italic, 91,119
Medium, 41
Baskerville (Bitstream), 11, 23, 30,
33, 43, 45, 49, 58, 63, 80,
108, 118, 122
Italic, 82, 103
ITC New Baskerville® (ITC), 116
Bauer Bodoni® (Neufville S.A.),
11,20,31,39,44,51,73, 77,
99, 110, 123
Italic, 93
Bauer Text, 10
ITC Bauhaus® (ITC), 13
ITC Beesknees™ (ITC), 27, 41, 45,
57, 111, 115
Bellevue® (H. Berthold AG), 30,
36, 47, 52, 85, 109, 112
Belwe™ (Letraset), 21, 90
Bembo® (Monotype), 10, 28, 41,
45, 51, 58, 59, 75, 88
Italic, 76, 91
ITC Benguiat® (ITC), 11, 21, 33,
37, 57, 63, 70, 83, 98
Bold, 27, 75, 108
Book, 37, 47, 49, 53, 79, 93
ITC Benguiat Gothic® (ITC), 13
ITC Berkeley Oldstyle® (ITC), 19,
25, 37, 57, 90, 103
Berling™ (Elsner+Flake), 38, 51,
83,94, 114
Bernhard Gothic™ (Spiece
Graphics), 13
Extra Light, 111
Bernhard Modern™
(Kingsley/ATF), 23, 84, 109
Blackoak™ (Adobe Systems), 29,
49, 94
Bodega Sans® (Font Bureau), 44,
46, 51,63,75, 93, 97
Black, 20, 81, 86
Bodega Sans® Oldstyle (Font
Bureau), 83
Bodega Serif® (Font Bureau), 96
Medium, 52
Bodoni (Adobe Systems), 11,19,
31,45,47, 55, 70,74, 88, 118
Italic, 80
Bodoni Open (Font Bank), 90, 121
Bodoni Poster (Adobe Systems),
57, 114
Italic, 87, 120
Bodoni Poster Compressed
(Adobe Systems), 30,49, 96,
Bookman, 12
ITC Bookman® (ITC), 12, 27, 55,
Demi, 33,35, 52, 110
Light, 49
Bovine Poster™ (Mark van
Bronkhorst), 29, 41, 117
Britannic, 13
Broadway™ (Kingsley/ATF), 35,
45, 53, 61, 72, 79, 95, 98,
107, 113, 115, 118
Broadway Engraved™
(Kingsley/ATF), 38, 43, 55,
83, 92, 106
Brush Script (Adobe Systems), 45,
Bulmer, 70
Letraset Burlington™ (Letraset),
39, 54, 69,76, 83, 95, 112
ITC Busorama® (ITC), 61
Caledonia, 11
New Caledonia™ (Linotype-Hell
Italic, 82,102
Calligraphic 810 (Bitstream), 42,
47, 50, 54, 79, 86, 95
Cancelleresca Bastarda, 102
Cartier, 49
Caslon, 10, 19, 27, 55
Caslon 3 (Adobe Systems), 35
Caslon 540 (Adobe Systems), 19,
35, 57
Italie, 100, 103
Adobe Caslon™ (Adobe Systems),
48, 58, 110
Bold Italie Swash, 39
Italie, 71, 99
Italie Swash, 29, 35, 36, 54, 58,
Caslon Open Face (Adobe
Systems), 24,41, 44, 59, 70,
85, 93,95, 108, 110, 115
Castellar™ (Monotype), 32, 47,
Caxton™ (Letraset), 57
Centaur, 10
ITC Century® (ITC), 12, 47, 57, 80
Italic, 98
Century Old Style (Adobe
Systems), 31, 55, 90
Bold, 81
Century Schoolbook, 12
New Century Schoolbook™
(Linotype-Hell AG), 43, 49
Charlemagne™ (Adobe Systems),
19, 22, 33, 34, 38,48
Cheltenham, 12
ITC Cheltenham® (ITC), 12, 79
Letraset Citation™ (Letraset), 32,
39, 55,61, 113, 117
Berthold City® (H. Berthold AG),
Bold, 49, 94, 110, 120
Medium, 54,61,73, 93,113,
Clarendon™ (Linotype-Hell AG),
31,51,83,91,94, 108, 111
Bold, 27, 34, 122
Bold Italic, 43
Clarion, 12
ITC Clearface® (ITC), 19,41, 57,
85,91, 109, 121
Clearface Gothic, 13
Cloister (Agfa Compugraphic), 10,
36, 63,71
Italic, 110