Serifa Black
The Comma
The top of the comma usually
repeats or is similar to the con¬
tour of the period, and its dan¬
gling curve or flared hook is
generally a stroke, reminiscent
of a pen flick, that points to¬
ward the left. In sans serif
designs the comma might be a
simple parallelogram, as can be
seen in ITC Avant Garde Goth¬
ic, or it could follow the roman
model, which is evident in ITC
Franklin Gothic.
Industria Inline
Avenir 95 Black
The Colon
t it looks appro]
lowercase letters.
The colon usually duplicates
the design of the period, but in
some typefaces the dots are
smaller. While the bottom dot
aligns with the bottom of the
period, the alignment of the
top dot depends on the colon’s
design. The top dot generally
aligns with the mean line of the
x-height, though occasionally
it is slightly lower. The colon’s
determining design criterion is
that it looks appropriate with
the lowercase letters.
Neue Neuland Inline