The lowercase s is a scaled-
down version of the capital
letter. It is a narrow letter, its
width being about half its
height. Since it is a round letter
and would appear short other¬
wise, it is usually designed to
slightly overlap the established
x-height and baseline.
Broadway Engraved
To provide the s with a firm
foundation on which to rest,
the optical center should be
drawn above the true center of
the character, making the up¬
per half of the letter appear
smaller than the lower. In some
SITC Serif Gothic
typefaces, like Trajanus and
Albertus, this configuration is
reversed, but this treatment
should never be accentuated to
the extent that the letter ap¬
pears to be upside-down.
Bauer Bodoni Italic
Berthold City
Neue Neuland
Inline Solid
Caslon Open Face
ITC Benguiat Book
Frutiger Light
Eurostile Extended No. 2
Cooper Black Italic