The Letters
Although the letters b, d, p, and
q share several design traits,
the first rule in designing them
is to avoid creating one “mas¬
ter” and flipping it around to
make all four letters. While this
dp q
Lowercase b flipped to make four letters
may seem logical from a typo¬
graphic standpoint, it invari¬
ably results in poor design. In a
well-conceived typeface, the
designer takes great care to
ensure that each letter has a
firm foundation on which to
rest. For the b, d, p, and q, this
is achieved by making the
bowls of the letters just slightly
heavier—and sometimes im¬
perceptibly flatter—on the bot¬
tom than they are at the top.
In contrast to those of the d
and the q, the bottom curved
strokes of the b and the p usu¬
ally flare slightly as they join
the vertical. In old style designs
based on calligraphic forms,
such as Stempel Garamond or
Goudy Old Style, the bowls of
the b and the p are heaviest at
about four o’clock, while
those of the d and the q are
heaviest at about eight o’clock.
Goudy Old Style
If the design is based on either
traditional or modern letter-
forms, the bowls tend to be
heaviest at three and nine
o’clock, respectively.
b p d q
While the bottom of the b’s
vertical stroke sometimes ends
in a serif, as in ITC Benguiat or
Bulmer, it might also terminate
in a spur that doesn’t quite
extend below the baseline. The
roman d, however, almost
always has a bottom serif as a
baseline terminator. The top of
the vertical in the p echoes that
of the d in that it also usually
has a serif, while the top of the
q’s vertical ends either in a
spur or in a serif.
AG Book Rounded
ITC Modern
No. 216 Light
ITC Korin
ITC Lubalin
Graph Book
Caslon Open Face
Park Avenue
ITC Galliard
Futura Light
Adobe Caslon Italic