The International Standards Organization,
based in Geneva, Switzerland, is an agency
for international cooperation on industrial
and scientific standards, including the
utilitarian function of the alphabet and
other characters. The ISO is composed of
standards organizations located around
the world.
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I have been working out of the ISO for too many years now.
Once upon a time, this job proved to be little more than
style cop. My beat was to keep crowding letters evenly spaced
and lines of type orderly and moving in a single left-to-right
direction. And, occasionally, I would have to apprehend an
unruly character to prevent unnecessary hindrances to
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j Ever since the rise of digitization, instances of random chaos
I have increased. Consequently, my sense of legibility has been
I challenged. The entries into my investigator’s handbook (from
which you read) allow me the reassurance that I can serve a
valuable role in this world of words. Oh, and please excuse the
occasional digressive captions. They are mainly for the benefit
I of Dingbat, but you may find them helpful as well.