Laying & circular movement (fig. 109), till the gold begins to
Burnishing feel smooth, and the matt surface gives place to a
Gold dull polish.
As the gold gets smoother a little more pressure
is used, and the burnisher is moved in straight lines
in every direction across the gold (fig. no). At
Fig. 109. Fig. iio.
this point the gold should have a peculiar and agree¬
able feeling of smoothness under the burnisher, an
unmistakable sign that all is going well.
A rapid light polish with the bend of the bur¬
nisher across a gold stem will give a very good finish
(c, fig. 108).
Properly burnished gold in a right light is at first
as bright as a mirror, and in some lights may look
quite dark by reason of its smoothness. A piece of Laying &
white paper may be held at such an angle that the Burnishing
white light from it is reflected by the gold; this will Gold
show the quality of the burnish, and also show up
any brown spots which the leaf may have failed to
cover. It is helpful, moreover, during the actual
process of burnishing to have a reflecting paper folded
and standing beside the work (fig. 111).
Fig. hi
At first the size under the burnished gold is not
thoroughly hardened, and great care should be taken
of it (not to breathe on nor finger the gold in any
way, nor allow it to lie about and get dusty). It is
best to put it away safely in a drawer for a week or
After a week or fortnight, when the size has set
a little more, it may be very gently re-burnished,
and this may be done again at the end of another