& Red
Fig. 93 represents two columns of black text,
consisting of short verses, &c., which are marked
by coloured capitals—forming bands of colour—in
the margins.
Note (i).—The coloured capitals in the figure
are made rather larger than usual, to enforce the
effect of the two lines of red and mark their con¬
trast with the columns of black text. In practice,
however, they would be better and more distinct if
rather smaller.
(2) The lines bounding the text would naturally
be faint, or grooved (p. 307) ; but, ruled from head
to foot of the page, they would be sufficiently appar¬
ent to add materially to the general effect of orderly
arrangement. (Lines are printed here to show clearly
the way the two columns are ruled and to suggest
this effect, though the process block necessarily gives
a false impression in making them appear too short
and too heavy.)
(3) Extra width between the columns (and also in
the margin) may be allowed for the coloured capitals
(compare fig. 92).
(4) Words in simple written capitals are used to
mark .slight divisions, or changes of sense, in the
(5) A stiff Versal of a rather “Roman” type is
used, partly because of the number of the capitals
(see p. 92).
(6) Other Colour Schemes.—The larger capitals
might be in burnished gold, the rest in red (or in
red, blue, and green)-, or all might be in red, blue,
and green.
IS A MINE fOR. M our of it cometh
SI L V E RJ bread:
Anda place for optò Д rvd underneathit"j
which they reime1. /Ais turned up as it
ron is taken out" were by fTre.
' he stones thereof
1VU11 U? u
of the earth,
And brass is mol - ■ are the place of—'
ten out of the stone sap phires,
t «-an setteth an end I \ nd it hath dustr"
JMtodarkness, /ЛоР gold.
And searcheth outrl *~p,HAT PATH NO
to the furthest-" I BIRD OP PREV
bound I 1 KNOWETH,
The Stones of thickTV ’T either hath the
darkness and of I * \ falcons eye seen it.-
the shadowofdath.'T'he proud beasts ¡
fE BREAKETH I I have not tnoddenit
Hopcn a shaft away Л| or hath the hence
1 Inom where men ^ ^ lion passed thereby
Sojourn ; E PU TEETH pORh
*-ph.ey are forgotten
1 of the fbot that"
Tpasseth by; II1"'
hey hang afar from* * th<
men, they Swingr 1 "by
I to and fro (—I/E 1
his hand upon j
Hthe flinty rocK_;
the mountains
the roots-
CUTfETH out.
Fig. 93.
fc Red