a Formal
(i) Tools
across and over it (fig. 16). Under the writing-paper
there should be a “ writing-padf consisting of one
tin set under it (fig. 14). Fora more portable desk two
drawing-boards may
be similarly hinged
together and placed on
a table (fig. 15).
A tape or string is
tightly stretched —
horizontally — across
the desk to hold the
writing-paper (which,
as a rule, is not pinned
on). The lower part
of the writing-paper
is held and protected
by a piece of stout
paper or vellum fixed tightly, with drawing-pins,
Fro. 16.
a Formal
(1) Tools
paper & INK
For “practice” any smooth—not glazed—paper
will do. For careful work a smooth, very fine¬
grained hand-made paper is best (pp. 69, 77);
Stick Indian ink is best, and a good-quality stick
is worth paying for; the necessary rubbing down
on a slab is well worth the trouble. We can our¬
selves control the thickness, colour, and state of
this ink, and safely add to it, e.g. vermilion and
yellow ochre (to make a deep brown), or gum-water
(to prevent spreading on porous writing surfaces).
Jet black is the normal hue; it will also test the
quality of the writing; it shows up all the faults;
pale or tinted inks rather conceal the faults, and
lend a false appearance of excellence (p. 286). A
thin ink greatly adds to the ease of writing (see
p. xxi) ; too thick inks do not flow freely enough.
A brush is used (in left hand) for filling the pen.
A Reed or Cane pen is best for very large writing
over half an inch in height—and therefore it is
1 Some Eastern scribes use a “pad” of fur. This, or a piece
of springy cloth, or other elastic substance, would probably be
helpful, and experiments should be made in this direction.
or two sheets of blotting-paper, or some other suit¬
able substance.1
It is a good plan to have the lower, front edge of
the desk bevelled or rounded, so that the tail part of
a deep sheet, which may hang below the table, does
not become accidentally creased by being pressed
against it. A curved piece of cardboard fixed on the
edge will answer the same purpose.