Index A, 155,235,238,244, 372-3
A, Ancient & Modera, 161-
Abbott, Rev. Dr. T. K., 375
Accidental words, 223, 348
Acquiring a Formal Hand :
(1) Tools, 14
(2) Methods, 27
(3) Models, 36
(4) Practice, 51
Addenda & Corrigenda, xxi
Addresses, Illuminated, 317
Advertisements, &c., 304,
316, 353
Alabaster & Marbles, 359
Alcuin of York, 7
Aldus, 275, 337
Alphabet, derivation of the,
Alphabets, useful kinds of,
232, 341. 354
Aluminium leaf, 131
Amperzand (&), 325, 378
(Amperzand ; Examples
—Figs. 50, 79, 148, 172,
173, 208 & Plates)
Analysis of Versals, 81
Analysis of Writing, 38
Ancaster (stone), 357, 359
Angles in Writing, 9, 12,
184, 219, 378
Anglo-Saxon writing, 290
Annotations, &c., no, 281,
283, 308
"Arabic Numerals," 48, 388
Arms or branches, 86 (v.
Arrangement of Lettering,
54, 88, 203, 219-232, 353
"Ascenders" and Ascending
strokes, 45, 63, 85,264,278
A siso (gesso), 132
Azzuro della magna, 145
В, 155, 236, 237, 239-244,
Backgrounds, 150, 152, 154-
159. 177-9
Bands of lettering, 89, 102,
"Barbaric” illumination,
"Basket work,” 174, 175
Bath (stone), 359
Beauty (x), 201-204,
Beauty of Arrangement, 219
„ „ Form, 216
„ „ Uniformity, 218
Bibliography, &c., 349
Binding books, 310, 69,
72, 76, 77. 137. 151.
Black and Gold, 151, 168
Black and Red, 93, 292
“Black letter,” 84, 107,
227, 295, 328
Black outlines, 148, 54, 178
Blake, William, (footnote)
"Block letter,” 341, 355
Blue, 142-146, 147, 148
Book-hands, 2
Book Marks, 108
Books, binding, 69, 72,
76- 77. 137. 151, 163,
Books, Manuscript, 64, 305,
Books, size and shape of,
Books, size of writing in,
67. 71. 73. 74
Book typography, founda¬
tions of, xi, 64
Borders, Illuminated, 64,
164-169, 177, 180, 413-6
Borders, penwork, xxiii
Bows & Curves, 87
Brasses, 201, 304, 339
Brazil-Wood, 141
British Museum, MSS. in,
350, 371, &c.
Broadsides, 302, 314
Brushes, 138
Brush-made (painted) let¬
ters (84), 244, 256, 340,
Bubbles, in size, 114
"Built-up” letters, 84-85,
218, 253, 255, 295
Burnished gold, 126, 150
(see also Gold)
Burnisher, the, 124,132, 137
Burnishing slab, 112, 119
C, 234, 245, 372-3
Cake colours, 141
Calligraphy, xii, 332
Cane, or Reed pens, 17-18
Capitals (see also Letters)
Capitals, arrangement of,
220,222 ; (in Lines, Head¬
ings & Pages), 91-2, 94-
гаг, 263, 408
Capitals, coloured, 69, 74,
88, 89, 100, 151
Capitals & Small Letters, 6,
78, 88, 266
Capitals, severe type of, 258
Capitals, simple-written, 89,
261, 266
Capitals, sizes of, 74, 85,
Carbonate of Copper (blue),
Caroline (or Carlovingian)
Writing, 7-9, II, 269
Caslon, William (xxiv), 337
Cennino Cennini, 131, 150,
Chalk, 349, 359, 366
Chapters, beginnings of, 91
(footnote 1) 306, (2) 307
Character, 201-204, 287
“Characteristic Parts," 211,
216, 244
Characterization of letters,
Charlemagne, 7
Charter hands, 379
Chequers, 157, 163, 181-3
Chinese printing, 336
Chinese Vermilion, 144
Chinese White, 146
Chisel-made letters, 2, 162,
242, 244, 256, 339, 355,
360, 372
Chisel-shape of nib, 23, 29
Chiswick Press, the, 338
Chronograms, 327
Church Services, &c., 106,
3°9, 35°. 420
Close spacing, 226-231
CNUT, charter of, 378
Cobden-Sanderson,T. J., xi,
332, 351
Cockerell, Douglas, 137, (on
limp veilumbindings) 310,
Cockerell, S. C., 409, 417-20
Colophons, 108, 306
Coloured "Inks,” 138, 286
,, Letters (see Capi¬
tals, & Contrasts)
Colour, cake & powder, 141
„ pan 8t tube, 142