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фирмы W Caslon & Son
1763. Антиква и курсив
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книги в Англии
Two Lines Great Primer.
Quouíque tandem
abutere Catilina, p
butere, Catilina^pa-
Two Lines Englifh.
Quoufque tandem abu¬
tere, Catilina, patientia
noítra ? quamdiu nos e-
Quoufque tandem abutere
Catilina, patientia noßra?
Two Lines Pica.
Quouíque tandem abutere,
Catilina, patientia noftra ? qu
Quoufque tandem
tilina, patientia noßra ?
Страница из каталога шрифті
фирмы W Caslon & Son
1763. Текстура
Уильям Кэзлон (Англия)
Английская антиква старого стиля
Two Lines Great Primer Black.
Япѣ be it furti)er lie
rebp marteb, Cljat
Double Pica Black.
Ш be it further hereby ena*
eteb, Chat the Народе, ñw
tiffs, o¿ other heab Officers,
Great Primer Black.
2tnb be it further i)ttebp ettatfeb,
5tl)at Щг Щрого, Bailiffs, o? o*
tt)er beab Dföcerß of eberp Xoton
anö place co?po?ate, anb Citp toit*
Englilh Black.
anö be it further berebg enaaeo, Chat the s@a=
gojs, TBailiffs, oí other IjcaD ©fficets of eberg
Coton anö place coipoiate, anö Ciro toítbin
this Ecatm, being Зіийісе oi JuQices of Peace,
Oball bane tbe fante autbo?itg bg bertue of tji®
aa, toitbin tbe limit® anö piecinäs of tbeir 3iu<
Englilh Black. No z.
8nb be it fttrtbee btrebp enacteb, CDat tbe
09apo?0, ТВаШЙ, n otöee beaö mitttö of
еьегр Coton anb place cospirate, anö Cítp
toitbxn tbxg ìRealnt, being ЗІийхсе о? Suffices?
of Peace, fball bane tbe fante autljojitp, bp
bertue Df tbte act, toitbxn tbe limits anb j?*e*