civilité cut by English-bodied civilité No. и.1 This is a type to which I have referred as belonging in
Granjon x-j^j to ^е p|oos ѵап дmsteI Foundry in Amsterdam.2 The set of matrices is a most
interesting legacy from the sixteenth century, and I regret being unable to find
out its origin. Unfortunately, the records kept by the firm of Ploos van Amstel
(which passed to our firm in 1799) were slight, and they tell simply that our Script
No. 11 came from Hermanus Uytwerf. I shall describe this typefounder's material
later on, and will only note here that the cutter of this face has not been identified.
It is not shown in any of Uytwerf's specimens in our collection. The style is in¬
dubitably of the sixteenth century, and because most of the capitals are identical
with those of our Type No. 8 I think this Civilité, too, may be ascribed to the skilful
(J¿ Type No. 11 is the lettre [rancoise on English body of Robert Granjon, his second
Civilité face. In an unfinished state, eked out with letters of his earlier Pica, he used
it to print the Keigle de vivre d'una, cnascun chrestien and other traces at Lyons in 1562,3
and the introduction de philosophie divine translated from L. }. Vives (Antwerp, [Willem
Silvius?] for R. Granjon, 1565) was set in the same fount.4 Complete with all its
proper letters it appeared in Le moyen depromptement et facilement apprendre en lettre françoise
à bien lire, prononcer et escure, an undated book with Granjon's imprint at an address in
Paris, Rue St. Jean de Latran at the sign of the Arbre Sec.5
Of 125 matrices for this face which Plantin had a remnant of 76 survives in his
house ; the foundry of Le Bé in Paris had 143.6 ]3
The following sorts make up the fount.
25 capitals: §J^S <^ of £ 4 J \Л&£ №V$V *^> f<¿r?.($<& с&ЗОУЮХЪЪ
Зо lower-case letters : »«c^ct 4g$ i\ktmnop 4 * * f * " s с r ¿ n, $,
9 initial lower-case letters : s"*bdji ¡m ¡n c/% ^ /»
12 final lower-case letters : tu с- Я/ *- í___j>> 9 «~ * *- * «.
20 ligatures : ся« ci со см с* «*■?* « <м_ «« ff и. (Т*л *е *» *• *» л*
5 initial ligatures : ^ &^ъс <*»*> çn
7 final ligatures : jy 49 ст. см. Л J ¿f
п ligatures for ending sentences: л—rem-,«^«—n—й—г»™—Зт—w—^ь—ѵ—,
i ligature for the pronoun zij : fa
1 contracFion for the word et: ¡ь
i puncFuation mark: /
The wealth of tied letters gives a page of this type a close likeness to handwriting
even to the smallest details (fig. 31, pp. 49—51). To judge by the ligatures to go at the
[1] CTV 98. Carter-Vervliet type A 2. [5] Carter-Vervliet p. 30, note 5 (the reference to Baudrier is
[2] In the paragraph on type no. 9 on p. 43. The type ap- only applicable to the year 1575 when Granjon let a house
pears on leaf G 2 reâo of the Ploos van Amstel type specimen in Paris),
of 1767 as 'Mediaan Gescreeven'. [6] Early Inventories p. 79, MA 138. Morison, L'inventaire de la
[3] Carter-Vervliet 59—62. fonderie Le Bé, 1957, p. 21.
[4] Carter-Vervliet 87.
."^tant au. их./ іЕИС^-Сои&Ьдие- une- poftute- ¡ymiocfte/соисйс £ив-~
fe- cate «Згой- fes- 6rae-/ feti- \am€es- (t fe- reftè^bu, corps- couverts-/ un peu, éfoigné
&es- personnes- aui Cont^tsanS- fe /mime- tvx./ рав—refpcct/ (t|>омв_ие- tes-pas-іпсаттооев—¡
cSitant tout ce qui fourrvU. être- contralte- a tasjfyafteté л, a taj putctéc&réticnnc-: ¡nc-
срапдЛ pas- CouÇcm^be ptace^daròe^-CouS- 6iìyb 'j f arfen-./ ¡г encofre- (tnoinS^b'y бдді-
nct—,.^&tant tcGc/ rccouSrcz^/betrc- fix./ (t ne- taiffA yatoitre- ¡ni konnex./¡ni cagne-/ ¡ni
pot^ejßamß^-----¡r. <$?u. <=£.e<¿cr^-=,. ,—/IcSc^-SoMts- ¡ъ^абшА y-Mous- promptemtm./
tjor&bu. fix./&trriete- fee- rìbcaug ом. aj t
eftprefetti./(iquc-/voire- £o>jCc5$»nje-/VoM
те- ¡Tnvktfltic- jy /vomis- сомс^ди*-; ¡ne- ргепЛ (t, ne- аиіаЛ ¡amain-/ьей- Gdfiiffs-//vots- €as-/
pantouftcer/jdjemifes-/ <3e<£ant fe- (Пгепйе^е^ЪстеиіЛ point/Mers- fe- -fett,/ ¡niaitteurS- aj
&еті-пи$ц/ rat. «"'cít UH*- drañoe -fautecantre- fa cíSífiíc л, taj pubeua__C^V fermiti__
Шс8& fjftubrbe /voire- feSee— (t~bc/ieotrc- cauchen—/ fe- temps>¿>u.Commeif роив— fée-
chants-/ /Meut etre-^b'^Çiton^u'ix^JjeuteS-: ¡пс^ЪогтА point te- [оив^Ъапе- tcs-Ыедй-
Ces-/&-ans- fets- Compagnies-/ fur-toMt après- te- refats-/ a (moine- qu'if ¿n'y aix. néceÇfité.
îr>o|>rcic. 4оо£<Л propre-jt) /tóoire- personne-/ /uo^a€its-/ tinge- /¡mcuufcSrf toutefois?
fanu-^^ianitc/ ¿niaffectation. «w^eScMg. ídei^wct.-SoMíS- *оме- fets-¡ours-proprement/prenant
garoctx: ne- pas- £afii2^/\>oi£jja6ittS¡— ÇV\e- /Ѵоие- 4ri{A ¡ni pouorA. QjfaittSr-ÇoutSr com^ce^
&С- ttmpti-^a) temper fets^cScMg/^e- fee- faiffAрай-Ьитбее^Сиг/мой-ѵеик/¡ne- fes-retroue-
СЛ pas- Che_ foteiffe-. jO'ifagc-. ¿^¿laÇA suotre-'^eifagc-/ /voi- (mains-/ /Mo» veux/ /mo(S-
¿Эспіе-/ /moire- ßouefjc- / auan^j it £er л; péce ffaiic- / fane-toute-fois- /bous-faròcis— ;і'»/Ѵом&
доЛ £e^o»^t*/V)OMts- (WoMc^eE_/ pitéis- fe- Hans- íru'tx. аЯес- fe- (moucfjoit^ л (non аЯес fee,
&-oigts-/ ¡ni te- ßout^be /Voire- ¡manche- / {tfanS-rcgarucB—éyfuitebane- /\>otrc- (moueßoi
сЭ-еіомгиЛ un peiv fe-C^«^e-/^couS^fè?Nbi/Voire^a|jeaM.oii^M^noMe^oitt_;ce /tóoMts- об^сгСеіЛ jy/loous- effujant^bans- fxjcßafeuti^ A dMircii- ^freiffee- occnfion&__ ^orjjtíl— <^cne"»/voiS- pie^is- ¡I/loos- (tnains- (nettes-/ ¡ne- faifCA ^fr^ets- оЛиіс&*с>ди(ь fets- quitte'1'/ ¡i forf^Me- /ѵоме-/vomís- ¡тенЛ aj acneug/ ou. que- /leous-/loous- affeyc^/ preñen сгдс^Л pas- рак— tes- fenêtres- / (t ¡ne- ¡ctA riiybc iVife^*Î5rt«ts-fc(S.rMC(ii__Vanite. ^ітЛ ta; propreté/ ¡mais- (wn tajpompe-/¡ni f'affétetic^bans-/UcS^jjafctS-(t. /VäoiS-(tneußfes-/ qui Fig.31. English-bodied Civilité No. п. Resetting of a text, presumably of the edition of an unspecified Schoolbook printed in this type, which Charles Enschedé had examined at the Kunstgewerbe Museum, Berlin. See Fonderies, 1908, p. 47, note 1. 49
oteiffes-/fe- (ГкЛ/fes- pieos- (t tes- ongtes- яис-/моие- сонреіЛ I'omScml eij particuticu_ aSec^fccís-
áfeau^l Cans- tes- rongea—aÇcc- fcfrbcnte-: (*»е-/ѵЛ<Л pas- f'orïutc^bes- oteiffets- aÇec fes-
Zeigte- cu, une- epingte-/ ¡ni ¿BeSant fé- Qwonie/ паЯаіЛ point ce que- Сои&ЪсСА сѵа-
¿)c1^-rs- <#1*6ііф— «54^^ іоі^"4»^^еіо^ев— loMSe»ii./vo(S-£a(s-//vois-l.oMfiei:is-/r/voîs- Çia£its-/
prene^aar^tx fes- іяс^еи_ Astaßfc- / ^Ъе fes- evottett^bans- fes- ruei$~: /we- fcts-^t-oííeAi
garbe que- te- tieu, £oii.prop-vj—7. Щедагое^ en ¡marchant om_/vom(s- ¡metientes-picos-/¡ne- re-
iroKl7e"= pas- fes- £ordtt£x /Mctrc-cfyapcau. comme- fes- acnbix duerre-/ /ne- te- portea pas-
trop Cuu—fc-^ixSant/(пі^еу arríete-/ (ni Сив-, une- oteiffe-/ Сив— fe
fes- Cemaines-/ ou. pfus- CoMSew. C'ifeft ßeCoin/Cur-tout^befmoucßoiB-.^A-eußfes-fi^am-
fií-ctS— ССсиД/ѵоіге-^диі^ге- £ata?cc-/ (t fes-¡тсибі'es-/fiSrets-л. ffaßits- fermés-/ranges-
(t epouffetés-/ ¡ne- faiffant riéy qui puiffe- GtcffeB— Й^/ѵне^Ъе cewg