(J¿ Type No. 9 is a combination of two fragments, 18 sorts intended for Double
Pica body and 25 for Great Primer. The matrices for them are uniform, so that the
mixture occurred in the punches with which they were struck. Fifteen of the sorts
occur in the imprint of Hendrik Hendricksz in Nouvel ABC, Antwerp, 1576. ' They
have not been found elsewhere, and their origins are quite obscure. Their fashion
is decidedly Flemish. J)
The letters as set out above show how carefully they were designed and cut
originally some to stand at the beginning, some in the middle, and some at the end
of a word. These refinements account for Plantin's liking for such types and his
commending them as a model for children in forming an elegant hand. It is not
surprising that some typefounders, when they came to cast these letters, were
less particular than the one who cut them to provide the special forms for initial,
medial, and final positions.
The mixture of sizes occurs as early as 1582 in the preface to a book entitled
Corte maniere от boeck te houden by Bartholomeus Cloot, printed at Antwerp by Niclaes
Soolmans.2 Fig. 28, pp. 44 and 45, shows two pages of the book reset in letters of
one size. In the original our smaller fount predominates, but some of the capitals
belong to the Great Primer and there are two different commas. Confusion is worse
in Politijcke onderwijsinghe, printed at Leeuwarden by Abraham van den Rade in 1614
with innumerable misprints and, on many pages, indiscriminate use of both sizes
of letter.3 One page is shown corrected in fig. 29.
Two-line Small Pica Engrossing initials No. io.4 The matrices for these Gothic cursive
initials also came to us from Jan Roman & Company. The alphabet is shown in
fig. 30.5 The letters are to be seen in a quarto printed by Aelbrecht Hendricksz
as early as 1588, D'instructie van den Hove van Holland, where the text is in Black Letter.
Similarity to our Civilité No. 9 suggests that they are of Flemish cut. It is not un¬
likely that they are by Ameet Tavernier.6
Fig. 30. Two-line Small Pica Engrossing Initials No. io.
[1] Carter-Vervliet 141.
[2] Carter-Vervliet 210.
[3] Carter-Vervliet 343.
[4] CTV 98. Carter-Vervliet p. 87.
[5] F L X Y are lacking.
[6] The A of this alphabet was used by Willem Silvius as
an initial to matter set in Enschedé's Type No. 14 in N. de
Nicolay, Les navigations, peregrinations et voyages fairts en la Turquie,
Antwerp, 1576 (Carter-Vervliet 142). Silvius was a calligrapher as
well as a printer, so the specification may well have been his.
They appear rather too late for Tavernier, and he did not
use them in his printing.
OcWir- I cui WvrQty/ Л\»дѵсѵ~ fvuf ЪУАА^у vt Рѵѵпі-у C^ff Я^ѴТѴС^СГ /Çy САП £aÍ*~ &ffyvcn ¿П»г£ ßafxcy/ oígef fy | ofàeeteti/ Я0*(|*&*»/ »f* Ot^vfafffy <§£>YA <2g0*nf \ѵд<=*~\а{ V fu&r'V е™?{ vf f я>йе f/ о0)У Чуаг&.т' л2ЩYe^voí-jVfgf аѵлу\& fmfYÍxy/ 0r^ £»f Яэѵсѵс££ѵс^ <=ir~\ivcir~ Ъиу fefofy вх*$ѵѵУуеу/ oQjVxT' Я>сЧс£іПѴѵ~ ÖAflT- ЬІР bt>»V~ /х*х°у cÇfyy ¡A*¡CUtÇJ ^сѵтѵггР-€y fi\y/ /Sybi-f iy pfkff (р аѵлу /etnfy ("rfcf / ClLt; Vp i*gf £aív~ f ^aS"^ tyaeetyi iy ¿fy f^^s^rtí/ cjO\cxcl? ¿miiv^it; fegfnfpvtf Cjßßfy (mvfUy af^niefey/ &>x*y ßvani \i£ fy &jf*~ VWÍ cvfÇfy ujr(tfix*{x*y/ Q)TVf /f-enfy ѵѵѵт£ѵ~ ЛЫтѴ*і oíí /\eín тѴѵс*ѵс»; Ъ€ѵ cvanfy / Cpffín fy a'ISW (niH ßZuffr^y ¿mff /Sty J^P У>ѵР Ívahí^l.. dL^tipi^í^ 4í€ &f Vcff ѴПІ U ffnnfy XX-egZf^y / Я5АИ С-лрАИѵсі> &}>P &JJ, ow*"- fi\y ѵцс$ѵтт€у yvvvf/ oQ)ïW) (nvyj ¿mfív- /€y fje^i ^Ъѵ^СѵЪітЪЛ ¿n»HL {^fif^fy /\лу ^'аѵиіГ+Ѵ (rnenfrZ\ixc afCf /Sy %aW ¿nt?HL ßtvvi/ <Жу л2 Waí fy JjffifotcfirjL iy f'(\W*f£f¿ cvnvvvf/ 4~>w [puer 4L £ íof ^і^ fifw) fCvr&íx'y ff ¿пер/ (3VTif¿ Ълі (vnfyb-è-' jvvfuyn'f iy ivv (menirfL /fgçCvvf 'OfÎV- fußyjx'Ci^cf^x'ff fix'y^ÍYftx'fey. 4~>vv ßfZvvtfy лМхг* Я)ѵсѵГгЭди§'уе^' otQx°x*ïx*y/ ç&y of frZvvnffxy £>A^vcn vw) fimpiiff/ff peyfey (Ж.у іу\?у (mx'ffvfy ^bvvvf^vH €avcv- ¿míípF/ f-f Я»ѵсі^г|\^_. Fig. 29. English-bodied Civilité N0.8, mixed with Great Primer Civilité N0.9. Resetting (with corrections) of a page of J. B. Houwaert, Politijcle onolenvijsinglie, Leeuwarden, Abraham van den Rade, 1614. 47
<2^)A(tvw) fvuf ^ttCX^SfvlW SfvWy
Oví? fifí -«t&E.'f' W?cf \af vuvrnfy ¿m
<§3if (mfgnfy F tmftoft^fn &ff Mey лси RjfvSvi^ /
ÇfVÏVf if*) inWfn&r^ iy fi\y ¿Q&fy &fvfP.
<^2>iP uzi\x=y суСлпЯх^ fi\yab£l?vvfey ¿уа-еъѴигЪА/
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