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ч^-<ду%, _______wHg>¿%.________ № 5068 50^9 5°68 4444444444 4 ф.£ф4444.444 5064 5065 5066 5064 5056 ■SS9 5085 5086 5088 5087 Fig. 514. (continued). 408 ANTHONY BESSEMER Rules' (Neue Röschen und englische Linien, fig. 515 p. 407). Those in the second category The demand for completely new types carried all before it. The last vestiges n«w designs by Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina,patientia nostra? quam- Fig. 516. Pica Roman no. 404, cut by Anthony Bessemer in 1795. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? Fig. 517. Pica Italie no. 405, cut by Anthony Bessemer in 1795. way to solve the problem inherent to buying supplies of type 4O9 [1] The father of Sir Henry Bessemer, inventor of the
5088 5075 5087 5073 5074 5075 5076 5073
were doubtless cut by Unger himself or by his punchcutter-compositor, Gubitz.
of Dutch creative ability vanished, and there was no alternative to buying abroad. ш]іопУ msmer
Our firm in particular had a ready means of doing so in its contaci: with Anthony
Bessemer, a Dutchman who had emigrated to France in 1787 because of revo¬
lutionary sympathies. In the closing years of the century he settled in Paris and
became punchcutter to the foundry of Gando; but before doing so he probably
worked at this trade for a time on his own.1 So he was in a position to supply us
in 1795 with a Pica Roman and italic, (figs. 516, 517), later put in our Inventory as N05.
щ, 405, the first of an equipment of completely redesigned printing-types to be
seen in our specimen-books of the nineteenth century.
diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese eflrenata
jaetabitaudacia?nihilne te nocturnum praesidium Palata, nihil
urbis vigiliae, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum om¬
nium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum
ora, vultusque moverunt? patera tua Consilia non sentis? con-
strictam jam omnium horum conscientia teneri conjurationem
tuam non vides? quid próxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi
fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quem nostrum
ignorare arbitrarie? О tempora, о mores!
quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet?quem adjinem sese
effrenatajactabit audacia? nihilne te noctornumpraesidium
Palatii, nihil urbis vigilia?, nihil timor populi, nihilconcur-
sus bonorum omnium, nihil hic munitissimus habendi sénat us
locus, nihil horum ora, vultusque moverunt?patera tua Con¬
silia non sentis? constrictam jam omnium horum concientia
teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid próxima, quid su¬
periore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid con¬
silii ceperis, quem nostrum ignorare arbitraris?
in Europe (thus far in England), of having large quantities
of worn-out type which could not be put to a useful purpose.
Bessemer worked under a four-year contradi:, which was to
expire in 1841. But apparently the venture was so manifestly
uneconomical to the Government that the contradi: was termi¬
nated earlier ; Bessemer received a compensation in Odiober
1840 and left Brasil on 26 November ofthat year. The editor's
thanks are due to Mrs da Costa Ferreira for her generous
permission to give an abstraft of her late husband's material
on this subjeft. A wider historical context and details of
sources will be found in the chapter Tipos: fundicâo in his
forthcoming publication Imaeem e letra. Introdiiçâo à bibliografia
descritiva e à historia das arte reprodiiçâo. (L.H.)
modern process for manufacturing steel. More about the
career of A. Bessemer is given in Reed pp. 351—352, and in
the prefatory note to the facsimile of Anthony Bessemer's
type-specimen of 1830 in the Journal of the Printing Historical
Society 5,1969, p. 99 sqq. In the summer of 1975 Mr James
Mosley, London, St. Bride Printing Library, kindly brought
to my notice some new information on Anthony Bessemer,
brought to light from the Brazilian state-papers by Mr Orlando
da Costa Ferreira, Rio de Janeiro. It appears from docu¬
mentary evidence that Anthony Bessemer arrived in Brasil in
Oftober 1837 at the invitation of the Government, in order
to set up a typefoundry and train some typefounders to work
for the State Printing Office. The Government hoped in this