WV-г* ІllitfJÌ/ vtCCil i Hirn ^J-ltfj-l'í-jr^í.^lt (Zìi-b «-И- -1/-»*^. i-n-tn-í <Л-*ѵѵЬ,
w"iÁ,irtu*- юѵг* тъ+n-ic A///*í/lt/**-í- Cm- ¿Ѵи*/ кфпіі&іі- -Ihiivuwi- ^іт+уіие- -kW*/
■{,им,m ínic. ѴЧП* Fig. 466. Two-line Small Pica German Script no. 859, Fig. 467. Double Pica German Script No. 1534. probably from the Luther foundry, Frankfurt am Main. Resetting of part of the type-specimen of J. F. Unger, c.1798 ('text Schreibschrift no. 2'). Ф*«* vÜd"4* &*V Jo«****» */?**, 9л/ò **»v Fig. 468. Great Primer German Script no. 1547. Resetting of part material from Luther. It will be remembered (p. 363) that Johannes Enschedé put a ПеЗияіит ft я-îçimtîî ¡cai açx<»Tt>i O.'iiWoç UoÁVVílKtlC $í 7TêÇi0VT0Ç KCtì ІрДОѴТОС ffÏAS-f» ix. Stißar itti j«í теЛеЭ-еТбѵ M тлсаі та X*T(¿(. M&iliV ÌtÌ (ГфІОЧѴ OLI катала) tS 7Z"CtfÇ0Ç. Long Primer Greek no. 1536. pica Greek NO ^ Fig. 469. Greek types from the Unger foundry. Resetting of part of the type-specimen of}. F. Unger, с 1798 Jjie teilte oes Шегтп Uto, Fig.470. Double Pica Script N0.1535, cut by J. Smid. Probably from the Luther foundry at Frankfurt am Main. Resetting of part of the type-specimen of J. F. Unger, с 1798 ('text cursiv Schreibschrift'). 37* THE UNGER TYPES men of Jan Smid (pp. 293-295). We may be sure that Smid cut the punches for them, In any case it is certain that types which had their origin in Luther's foundry inurttn »ringen g»rfua)t; Ятнг аПѴІп strteibm OJToájt. g» 1(1 »In Pearl Fraktur no. 1538 ЛіфГэ iff fo anfferfenb ais Setjfpíet, unb roir ffiffen Bourgeois Fraktur no. 1540, first state Эег 9îut)m grofjer Dliänner mufj beffänbig Long Primer Fraktur N0.1542, cast on Small Pica Tier Ebíímuffj iff òurrfj frinì1 Benennung Pica Fraktur no. 1544, first state ЭІСап Bnnfe fagen: bie £afier erwarfefen English-bodied Fraktur no. 1545 Irtan fornite Годсп: Ыс £a|ïcc erroaríctra une auf bem Wege Nonpareil Fraktur No. 1539 TOdjte ift fo anfteienb ale 23enfpic[, unb roir fîif« Bourgeois Fraktur no. 1541 Шап fónnte Гадеп: bie £after erwarteten Small Pica Fraktur no. 1543, cut by Firmin Didot ЗКап fommf in einen 255аІЬ, fafyt barin Great Primer Fraktur no. 1546 Fig. 471. The complete set of Fraktur faces cut by Unger and by Gubitz. [i] Charles Enschedé propounded his guess that types used The ground for it is that both had the same French and [2] See p. 368. 373
i/4 лігі-t* Jli-vviif** *trpt m*& yt*i*ti* lL*i**ti*
of the type-specimen of J. F. Unger, с. 1798 ('tertia Schreibschrift').
German script type (fig. 455, p. 365) and some initial capitals for it (fig. 456, p. 366)
into the supplement to his specimen-book of 1768. The origin of these types is not
to be found in our records. I will not commit myself to a decided view on their
provenance; but, if I were pressed, I should incline once more to the Luther
Foundry, because, so far as is known, it was the only typefoundry outside the Low
Countries with which he had sustained dealings. When we find the same types in
the possession of Unger, we are apt to assume that he, also, got them from Luther.
The second faci; pointing to the same conclusion is that Unger's specimen includes
an alphabet of script initials (our No. 97, fig. 379, p. 294) and the Double Pico Script
No. 1535, (fig. 470), which, apart from a few letters, are identical with those in the speci-
('bourgeois Griechisch' and 'cicero Griechisch').
есф- wir nient gar aus /ino,
uno feme Joarmderzigdeit dat
need dein Q>nò-e.
because he was a punchcutter as well as a typefounder. Smid tells us in the preface
to his specimen of 1780 that he had worked for a time in the Luther Foundry;
and since it is not likely that Unger would have gone for matrices to the newly-
established house of Smid & Dauu at Rotterdam, we are driven to the conclusion
that these types came from Luther.
were in Unger's too. That being so, it is proper to enquire whether Unger had
any of those that in former days were used by the Elseviers of Leyden.1 So far as I
can tell, he had none but the titling capitals previously mentioned.2 The Long
groSrr ИЩвпЬ $гоі(а)гп bem glnfluf, ten fin grcjtr Jjcrr, nnb Sen «in
r.mnftrr ober оиф nur tin obtrfia 6a)rei»rr bat.
('perl Frañur').
m'r Diet £)ufes ober díp[ Sofes, roas m'r[)f сфпііфрэ Qúfe
ober Soff F)rrDDrbrârf)fr. Qutt -ßanbtungen aF)mm rtrir
aus DTjeffeifrr, unb bofe, aus ber пагигГіфрп ï?rrFeE)rf=
f)fif паф, bip пап ber Зфагп gefangen gehalten unb
burrfj bas Serjfpief in Srepfjeif gefegt rourbe.
('petit Fraftur, Erster Versuch').
паф ben DTîiffeln abgemeffen roerben, гоооигф
fie фп errangen. Sie Äönige ffempeln 9Iien=
fфeп, míe DTCinjen: fíe geben фпеп ben 2Вегф,
гоеіфеп fíe ггюііеп; unb man iff gejroungen, fíe
паф фгап Äourö, піфе aber паф фгет <5á)vot
5U nehmen.
('bourgeois Fraftur auf corpus Kegel').
frijón evtïart, òfnnorfj fónte man fagm, et
fftj ber gcfunbi Ver\tanò òe& Sfoffges uni
bae eiietfte ÍVLittet iób gu erwerben.
('cicero Fraftur, Erster Versuch').
une auf betn 235ege bee Sebens wie Qòaft--
wirÉÍ>e, ber; benen man паф unb паф ein=
feijren muf5; unb іф pveifíe, ba$ une bie ®r=
faf;rung cor über orangen fönnfe, шепп шіг
ben ЗЗЗед роеутаЩ тафеп bürffen.
('kleine cicero Fraftur').
bes Cebene wie @a|ln>irfbc, beo benen man паф unb паф cinteb-
ten muß; unb іф ¡weifie, bag uno bie (írfabrung oorüber bran-
gen fimníe, госпп roir ben Жсд jrocpmabl тафсп' büvften.
('nonpareille Fraftur').
ten nicDicI ®utes ober oicl S&fce, roas nidjt аГ)п[іа)Сй
©utc ober 23ôfc rjerDorbrâcftte. ©ute ßanbtungen al)-
men mir aue 2ßetteifcr, unb bofe, aus ber natür[¡ri)cn
23erfer>rtljcit паф, bie Don ber ©фат gefangen дсГ;а!>
ten unb Ьигф Ъав 23enfpícl in §rei;í)eit gefcçt rourbe.
('petit Fraftur').
uns auf bem Жеде bea £ebens пче Saftwirthe,
ben benen man nach unb nací) einfehren mu|j;
unb icb зтеіДе, ba|j uns bie Erfahrung ooruber
orangen íónnte, roenn wir ben löeg jwepmal
macben burften.
('corpus Fraftur von Didot').
einen angenehmen ©egenffanb für'0 ЗІпде.
Жап fliegt ran ben 23IifFen oorau0 unb
|teí>í піфіб, als Ьогпіфіе JpecFen. Жап
eilt n>eiíer, {ucfyt n>etíer. Qlliífen unter et=
nen 23ra$ fafííofer 2íu0шüфfe, im ©ebrän=
ge giftiger Kräuter unb ^flanjen, fin bet
man eine gellere bas rnübe ЗІиде faufí er=
quicEenbe diurne. @o tfí es mit bem gro=
f^en 23иф ber ©efфtфíe! Ще man eine
gnfe, bte Dfltenfä)i>eif erí>ebenbe jpanbluug
fjnbef, ntuf3 man taufenb (Seiten 00E @фапЬ=
íí>aten unb ©ränel überblättern.
('grobe cicero Fraftur').
no. 1543 is cut by Firmin Didot, as shown in the type-specimen of }. F. Unger, с. 1798.
by the Elseviers came from Luther, see pp. 34 n. 1, 64 n. 1. German types.