A type of the kind needs large initial letters to go with it; and this Two-line
Small Pica Script was provided with them. They are our Two-line Vararon German Script
initials No. 860 (fig. 456, p. 366), for which we have the punches. I do not know their
provenance, but I guess it was the Luther Foundry. It is curious that the punches
are in our house, while Unger at Berlin and Jan de Groot at The Hague had strikes
from them. In his specimen-book of 1781 (see p. 386) De Groot shows Duhbelde Paraaon
Hoooduitsclie Geschreven Capitulen (Two-line Paragon German Script Capitals) which are
the same as the Missal Fractur geschriebene Versalia shown in Unger 's specimen-book.1
These are similar to our type.
The Brothers Ploos van Amstel also tried to strengthen their position by buying
German faces. To judge by their specimens, they succeeded in getting some from
Mediaan Hoogduitfch
£ebenë-Q.uelle/ $cunn bee ©tcabten,
©orme, (МШіфі ©dbattm-SBílb,
£>íe ¿u taufenb, taufenb malen,
Unf're Qßett mit @anfs ecfutt!
<2Bie bíe uttecfìaccffìen Síuaen
yii&t bún £icf)t 0u bulben tauaen;
©o »ecbtenbet audb Ьгіп SBttß
Urtb Ъгіп <2Befen unfem <2А
4?elíes <2Belt-9)?eec aííer Reuben!
$ÚTÍt bes Щ&, ЭДопасф bec 3>út\
(Blanti, »oc bem bíe ©фа«еп ілфеіЬеп!
Gtáíben' Übe bec gmígfeít!
îOîitteipunct bec ^immetó-Aceife!
sftabeuna, £eben, Äcaft unb ©peife
2111er @ocpec, bk bit <2Belt
3n bem miUn ©фо^Т' ecbaít!
ОЗЗепп roic aile SDína' ecacîmben,
ЭДЗепп rote atte 3ßett befebn!
3fr »on ûttem ^Гсіфіё 0u fínben,
¿Das fo Ьессііф unb fo [фоп.
Sitte ©dbinbeít bíefec geben
5Dîu§ bic ¿иае[фсіеЬеп roecben;
ЗВае ba (фтеіфеа bem 0*>гЩ,
3>гщЬ unb mat beín aûtb'neë £іфі.
ЦОЗЖЗЕфЗао ú ém йф cf ft ffff ft й fi'fb ; :,.
abcbefgbijíímnopqcfátuorar^é 123456
^><><>0<>С>0<>ООСК)0<ХХК>ОС<«<Х>»0*<><Х><><Х>СКХХ><>С<^ _>л
Fig- 453- Pica Fraktur no. 858. Resetting of part of the Supplement
to the Enschedé type-specimen, issued in 1773.
[1] On leaf (29) of the specimen mentioned in note 5 on p. 363.
Voskens & Clerk in Holland and some from Breitkopf at Leipzig. From their stock
we still have a Schwabacher type which they got from Breitkopf. It is our Great Primer
scliwabaclier No. 861 (fig. 457, p. 367). For quite a long time the matrices for it were
stored among those for Black Letter: an absurd mistake, made probably while they
were still at Amsterdam. In the supplement of [1775]r to their specimen-book of
1767 the 'Tertia Schwabacher', so-called, is an accidental mixture of a Mittel Schwa¬
bacher from Breitkopf with one from Voskens & Clerk. Dutch typefounders did
not always appreciate the distinction, rigorously observed in Germany, between
Fraktur and Schwabacher, and it is not uncommon in old type-specimens to find
the names misused. I suppose that these two sets of matrices, mixed together and
never wanted, lay in a corner until they were moved to our foundry in 1799: and
Dubbelde Deflendiaan Gefchreeven Hoogduitfch.
obm-ùt&ràarib V«** Je
tJlsv-i-fio 1 vvtyJ fwiw -ci-и- A/nirv wnn-iwtiif'/***»
tiiwii'liti Voi4*l> ■a.van-'j шил/£ ,Іугя-Ѵііі+ , л/i^tt
ытЛу%ѵл.апил/-п 'WwAr«1 •****•*
¿//{¿il? vitA-tw- J¡Lini*ti4* 1 ■na.iM r&ívJ'C
•fLvt-Pt^» f л/іпу nwiatn ■wni4-n
inv ХП.Ы
-Ä-*-*V -wnh ww wtu-p ■ntc-yíV'i-a'i-n-Pt- Z/геигЛіЛО
фпѵі-и-Ъ Ъі-І- -ІЛПѴЮЪ j vt-юлі
ICWX-f-BiVK-tt w
1>Ѵ tyi't-ily
Fig. 455. Two-line Small Pica German Script no. 859. Resetting of part
of the Supplement to the Enschedé type-specimen, issued in 1773.
[1] '1780'in the original. ThelatestintheMuseumEnschedé reference to it in the Amsterdams^ Courant, 18 March 1775.
is Tweede vervolg van de Proef van Letteren, n.d., datable 1775 by a List of type-specimens No. 121.