very much in fashion then.l The fashion was essentially French, but it made strong
appeal in Holland. The matrices were for the type shown in the Enschedé specimen-
book in 1768 and numbered in our inventory as Two-line Small Fica shaded and Orna¬
mented [inclined] Capitals No. 817 (fig. 343).2
Fig. 343. Two-line Small Pica Shaded and Ornamented
Inclined Capitals No. 817, cut by Rosart in 1764.
In Juli 1769 Rosart sent Enschedé the Supplement o lo Gazette des Fays-Bas of 3 July
containing an advertisement, which I have reset here (fig. 346), of a set of orna¬
mented inclined capitals on Two-line Small Pica, informing readers that up¬
right capitals of the same design were in preparation. In an accompanying letter
he offered matrices for them.3 Enschedé accepted the offer, and both types are
displayed in his supplementary specimen-book of 1773.4 They are now our Two-line
Small Fica Ornamented inclined Capitals No. 818 and Upright No. 819 (figs. 347,348, p. 276).
Those were the last matrices that Rosart sold to our foundry,
other typefaces "We have matrices for the Greek types mentioned by Rosart in 1764,5 though I
bv Rosart m the cannot tell how they came into our possession. Documents of the second half of
Enschedé collection 1 • 1 1 • 1 • 11 • 1 1
the eighteenth century are scarce in our archives, and the notes in them about types
J3Llr ЛіЛ^ ж Jb$i3J№lffîJiLl f ж
Jacques F. Rofart, Graveur & Fondeur de Caracteres fur le Qitay au Foin à Bruxel¬
les, avertit Mefteurs les Imprimeurs & Libraires que Fon trouve actuellement chez
lui un Cara&ere double Philofophie fleuragé, dont le mot ^Avertiffement fe trouve ti¬
de fus; le Romain fuhr a incontinent dans le goût comme la Lettre H & M ci-defous
imprimé. Il fera encore huit fortes de Car atieres, quatre Romains & quatre Italiques
tous variés Fun à F autre, gravés dans la dernière perfeSion, d'une profondeur &
d'une délicatefe extraordinaire. Il attend les ordres des Amateurs qui délirent en être
fervis. On a emporté de ladite Fonderie de Ca racler es, un Moulle à Couler, unique
dans fon efpece, & qu'on ne trouve pas dans toutes les autres Fonderies de Car acier es;
il y a dans les deux longues pièces dix neuf trous à Fis: celui qui pourra le lui faire
remettre en main, aura deux Ducats d'or de récompenfe. .....„. _ __.
jul ІЖ
Fig. 346. Two-line Small Pica Shaded and Ornamented Inclined Capitals no. 817.
Resetting of Rosart's advertisement in the Supplement o lo Gazette des Pays-Bas of 3 July 1769.
[1] It may be that Charles Enschedé based this statement the Caractère de Finance cut by Rosart, and not Fleischman's
on the faft that the circular letter contains a similar but script types also shown in the aforesaid specimen-book,
smaller type in which the word Monsieur is set. This type is a [3] Letter dated 5 July 1769 (Haarlem, Museum Enschedé,
copy of Fournier le jeune's shown in the specimen Bâtardes стѵ 527 1).
ensemble in which the I R E of the word Sire are set in it [4] See List of type-specimens no. 119.
(Manuel typographique, 2, p. 137). [5] in his circular letter Rosart does not give a specification
[2] In his specimen-book of 1768 Johannes Enschedé added of the Greek types so that it remains an open question how
a footnote stating that these capitals can also be used with Charles Enschedé knew that the matrices were for these types.
the script type and cast on that body. No doubt, he means
are of little value. It may be that these Greek matrices were sold to the Brothers
ploos van Amstel when a foundry was put up to auction on 27 October 1795 at
Amsterdam. According to a notice in the Hoorlemse Courant [of 19 September 1795
the belle, gronde et tres renommée fonderie de caracteres d'imprimerie de [eu J.-F. Rosart, père (fine,
large, and highly renowned foundry of printing types of the late J.-F. Rosart, the
father) was for sale and to be seen at B. Vlam's, Bookseller in the Kalverstraat at
Amsterdam].1 The likelihood is all the more because the last supplement to the
Ploos van Amstel specimen-book of 1784,2 which was printed certainly after 1795,
includes types which were also in Rosart's [specimen-book of 17683]. However that
Kai Xéyuv. Kúpis, ÈKévjcròv fiov тЬѵ ùiòv, оті oshvjviaÇsTat,
xai хахшд жаа-уЕѴ жоХКахід yap жіжжеі etc то тир, xai жоХХахід
sic то vSap. Kai жросгцѵЕуха аьтЬѵ тоід /лаѲцтаід
il ysvsà âriçoç xaì Sisçpxfifiéi/ij, шд tòte ёгормі p.s(fu¡x.S)g шд
tots ài/éçopixi ùpaSv; (ререте ¡xoi аѵтоѵ £>Se. Kai ЕЖЕтр-ѵрЕѴ aura
ò ,lt¡
Чцо-ой ххтЧЪіаѵ, еіжоѵ. Аіаті fyfisls оих. цЪшЦощеѵ ¿xßaAstv
aÙTÒ ; 'О Sé Чцо-ойд еіжеѵ аѵтоід. Aia rv¡v ажідіаѵ ùpaSi/. dfi i¡v
Fig. 344. Long Primer Greek no. 594, cut by Rosart.
K.XÌ Kéycov. Kvpts, lAÄjartfj» ¡лоѵ тоѵ оіоѵ.етіо-еХці/іаСетхі,
axì xxxwg 7Гхо~хеі' жоХкххід ухр жіжжеі sic то жѵр, text
жоХкхшд eìg то vSccp. Kai жрощѵеуш xùtov тоід рехОцтхід
ѵоѵ, texì ovx. vjSw/vjÔvjo'xi/ xvròv оерхжейо~хі. 'АжохріОеіѵ Sé
ó 'lvjo-ойд, еіжеѵ. il ysvsx хжідод text Sisçpxpc ріещ, ewg жоте
ego¡¿xi [¿ed'ùpiuç éwç жоте xvs^oßxt йрсшѵ, фврете pioi xùtòv
те Sxipióvw text èôspxTSvôq è жхід хжо тщ ссрхд Exsíyv¡g.
Tots жроо-sXÔavTsg oí [лхйцтхі тф 'ІцітоО hxt'íSíxv, еіжоѵ.
Aixtí щмЕід оѵк {¡Svirfôvifieu exßxXstv xùtò; 'О Ss 'Іцігойс
еіяеѵ xùtoïç. Aíx тцѵ хжісіхѵ ô/лшѵ ¿(л v¡v ухр KÉyw Ù/J.ÌV,
ïxv е%цтЕ kîçiv сод У.0У.У.0У аѵхжЕшд, ÈpsiTS тф épel тобтш.
~M.Etxßyjot ÈvtevÙsv èstsT, kxì pt,STxßijO~STxr text ivàìv xSvvx-
TYjO-st ùptv. Тойто Sé то yévog oùx, ехжореѵетхі , s' (Of ev
Fig. 345. Small Pica Greek no. 598, cut by Rosart.
[1] The advertisement ends with the information that the
foundry will be put up for auftion after 25 September 1795
if it is not sold privately. In an advertisement in the Hoorlemse
Courant of 24 Oftober it is announced that the auftion will
be held on 27 Oftober 1795 at Amsterdam, on the Achter-
burgwal, in the warehouse De Arend. The material consists of
a large amount of fine punches and matrices for Roman,
Italic, Black Letter, Greek, Hebrew, script type, etc. Prior to
these announcements there is a notice (in French) in the
Oprecltte Hoorlemse Courant of 24 December 1793 informing
readers that the fine typefoundry of the late J.-F. Rosart will
be put up for auftion at Brussels on 20 January 1794 and that
the specimen can be had from Mr. Decellier in the Rue
Winkette at Brussels. The notice contains an extensive speci¬
fication of the sorts for which punches and matrices are for
sale, as well as of the various tools. It appears from a manu¬
script copy of a letter from Enschedé to Mr. B. le Francq at
Brussels dated 6 February 1794 (Museum Enschedé, Copieboek
No. 3) that the latter had bought the foundry and offered
it for sale to Enschedé. It is most likely that Le Francq sent
a copy of the catalogue of the sale, and that this is the copy
of the specimen-book of the Widow Decellier (see List of
type-specimens No. 126). In this copy the signature of the
foreword Lo Veuve Decellier has been crossed out in ink and
the title-page is lacking. This defeftive copy is in the Museum
Enschedé at Haarlem, CTV 527 m. It appears from the sale of
27 Oftober 1795 that nothing came of the transaftion pro¬
posed by Le Francq. And then (part of) the material was
bought by G. J. van Rijswijk, at that time the owner of Ploos
van Amstel Foundry, who wrote the Lyst von Stempels (see note
1 on p. 197). In it various items are marked van de verkoopimj
van Le Franc (from the sale of Le Francq).
[2] Byvoegsel op de letter-proeven van de Gebroeders Ploos van Amstel,
Amsterdam. List of type-specimens no. 142.
[3] Epreuve des caractères Jocqus François Rosart. Second en¬
larged edition. Brussels, 1768. List of type-specimens no. 113.
This specimen-book is reproduced in Boudin and Hoejlalfe.