Descendiaan Romyn.
Maxime quis non perferre mallet in Re-
publica arifmeratica ex in optimatum aemu-
latione diiTe nones oriri folitas, quam ex.
Fig. 302. Small Pica Roman no. 791, cut by Rosart between
1748 and 1752. Resetting of part of the type-specimen of
J.-F. Rosart,(1752).
N. 1. Dessendiaan Romein.
Vana quid archetypos et praela, Moguntia, jactas?
Harlemi archetypos prselaque nata fcias.
Extulit hie, monftrante Deo, Laurentius artem.
Disfimulare virum hunc, disfimulare Deum eft.
Fig. 303. Small Pica Roman no. 791. Resetting of part of the
type-specimen of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
Deflendiaan Romyn. No. 2.
Lors qu' Aspafie étoit concubine d'Arta-
xexès. On ne fauroit lui donner moins de vingt
ans à la mort de Cyrus: elle avoit don foixan-
te quinze ans lors qu'un noveau Roi demande
comme une grace particulière, & AMEMOIR
Fig. 306. Small Pica Roman N0.793, cut by Rosart between
1748 and 1752. Resetting of part of the type-specimen of
J.-F. Rosart, (1752).
DeJJendiaan Curfyf.
Sufficit, Deum dixi/fe, ut feiamus eum /allere
nolle. Dico nolle eum /allere, utne credatis, eum
non po/Je fi velit, cum enim omnis qui alterum /a-
llere aggreditur, eo cen/eatnr in ißa re quodam
Fig. 304. Small Pica Italic N0.792, cut by Rosart between
1748 and 1752. Resetting of part of the type-specimen of
J.-F. Rosart, (1752).
N. i. Dessendiaan Cursyf.
Ab Madame, vous me /eringuez des louanges, qui
ne /ont dues qu'a vous. Votre bouche est un Alam¬
bic d'où les conceptions les plus /ubtiles /ont quint-
Fig. 305. Small Pica Italie no. 792. Resetting of part of the
type-specimen of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
Dejfendiaan Curfyf N2.
Horatius, is qui ex ter gem nis quum ter
gemina fpolia & ѵіШог gerensobviam honor
em, cognita veste Curati} fponfi, pa fis cri
nibus flebiliter nomine MÒ NU MEN TU M
Fig. 308. Small Pica Italic N0.794, cut by Rosart between
1748 and 1752. Resetting of part of the type-specimen of
J.-F. Rosart,(1752).
N. 4. Kleine Dessendiaan Romein.
Kleine jonge vogeltjes en vrouwen zyn zeer verschei¬
den in verdraagzaamheid, zegt zelcer geestig Schryver,
want het veel handelet: zal de eene dooden, en de an¬
dere dartel maaken.
Fig. 307. Small Pica Roman N0.793. Resetting of part of the
type-specimen of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
N. 4. Kleine Dessendiaan Cursyf.
Une femme est toujours rufée, toujours équivoque
& toujours une contreverité, & avec tout cela, dans
le monde on fait tout pour ces animaux-la.
Fig. 309. Small Pica Italie no. 794. Resetting of part of the
type-specimen of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
Groóte Garmond Romyn.
Marcus Curius, qui Patrs negotiatur, muUis
& magnisde cauflus i me diligitur. Nam & ami-
citia peruetus mihicum eo eft, ut primum in
forum venit in ftituta: & Patris cum aliquotes
Fig. 310. Long Primer Roman no. 795, cut by Rosart between
1748 and 1752. Resetting of part of the type-specimen of
J.-F. Rosart, (1752).
N. i. Garmond Romein.
Hadt myn Vader ze niet gehad, zo had ik het leven
moeten derven,
Hadt ik ze niet gemist, wy hadden beiden van honger
moeten fterven,
Zo is dan de rekening geliquideerd en voldaan:
De een vriendfehap is de ander waard; wij doen
elkaêr bestaan. AABBCCDEEFFGGHIIVZêêê
Fig. 311. Long Primer Roman N0.795. Resetting of part of
the type-specimen of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
movable types.1 In his specimen-book issued at Brussels in 17612 Rosart wrote of
his script type as follows (in French): 'This coulé [running hand] type was first de¬
signed and cut in the year 1753 for Two-line Pica body to accompany the music-type
which J. F. Rosart invented and offered to the public on 3 January 1750, as Mr. Sancto
[1] The passage has been translated as it stands, but note mentioned in note 2 on p. 236 and A. H. King, Four hundred
that by 'music' Charles Enschedé must have meant polyphonic years of music printing, 1964).
music. Liturgical and secular music had been printed by [2] See List of type-specimens No. 105.
means of letterpress since 1473 (see the article by H. E. Poole
Jtëebiaan Фппг|.
Шг be ^íenaerf <¡5ob't£ en здп niet
й\§ fBenfefjen nínberen eenige mögen fn
grnnt genoeíen han fjaer fernen fiennen
al§ fn гоШеп.а*даСФ€#<*ВДШС
Fig.312. Pica Black Letter N0.796, cut by Rosart between
1748 and 1752. Resetting of part of the type-specimen of
J.-F. Rosart, (1752), with adjustment of some capitals.
^effenbiaan ®uQtg.
Matt bat <6obt be Щип bt Wtttlt gefega
pen fiabbe enbe bat ben SCertïinbem ban be
Äenfcgen míerbe üemoant/ fan ijeuuen be
ШепТшп ben SCertoobem berbeeïtinlEan
Fig. 314. Small Pica Black Letter No. 797, cut by Rosart
between 1748 and 1752. Resetting of part of the
type-specimen of J.-F. Rosart, (1752).
m ften tnorbt ban ben brnn aïïengPeng
ïfet ftaaï mnrbt boot be ïucrjt/ en met 'er
tnb nerfTeeten:
9И naît juífl be №nöunm niet in ben
eerflen fTag/
% fireefit 5nn fteilen Bruin nn 't einbe
nan ben bag.
Fig. 313. Pica Black Letter N0.796. Resetting of part
of the type-specimen of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel,
1767, with adjustment of some capitals.
SCnb map at laft mn toearn age
|4nb nut toe peaceful Sermitage/
(Cfie Bairn goirni/ anb mo£fn ceïï/
¿jpere ¡Я man fit/ anb nigijtïn fjueïï
<©f eb'rn ftar tfic £йр bneg gfiem/
2Cnb eb'rn gern tgat fin£ tfic beta.
Fig. 315. Small Pica Black Letter no. 797.
Resetting of part of the type-specimen of the
Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
Lapis and Antonio Mahout and all the town of Haarlem can attest.' The question
was such a burning one that even Fournier le jeune discusses it in his Manuel typo-
дгарЦие1 to the following effect..
Mr. Rosart put a specimen of a similar music-type2 of his own in the specimen-book of his
types with a note indicating that he invented it, and he made an announcement to the same
effect, in the Gazette de Bruxelles a year ago. When I wrote and asked him why he had left it so late
to claim the honour of the invention, he answered that private reasons deterred him from
publishing his type sooner, but that he began work upon it in 1750 at Haarlem, where he had
passed round some proofs of it. These considerations do not seem to me enough to outweigh
the arguments already advanced in favour of Mr Breitkopf.
ІИН1Я Í 1 è
io î5
Fig. 316. Split frañions in one piece, cut by Rosart
S H H ? i Hi
'4145(578 pò
i 1 ì
Z T A -
X 2
5 3
3 4 5в78оо
% S 'S 7 8 9 15
NO. 62
NO. 63
I » 1 4 5 б
» * 4 s 5 7
i 2
123.456 78 90
*3 45o'78~9T5
NO. 64 3 Ï NO.65 9 io NO. 66 Fig. 317. Split fraftions in two pieces. Nos. 59. 61, 62, 63, 66 cut by Fleischman for Enschedé ; Nos. 64 and 65 by Rosart for Pfeiifer; cutter of No. 60 unknown. NO. 6 І?2460#2$ф No. 7 no. 8 Fig. 318. Cancelled figures cut by Rosart. ЗІ 4| 3 4- í\ б| 5 à 5 Ь NO. II Fig. 319. Accented figures nos. io and 11 cut by Rosart for the Brothers Ploos van Amstel ; No. 9 is from the foundry of J. de Groot. [1] Vol. 1, p. 52. 'Similar' means like those of Breitkopf and Fleischman. 263
no. 7 is from the foundry of Hendrik van der Putte.
3 4
no. 9
no. io