ben dienffig geoordeeld eenig bericht te geeven,
zo van de behandelinge daar in gehouden, als an-
In deeze Verzamelinge is alles gebragt, dat men
eeniger wyze heeft kunnen opfpooren; zonder iets
met opzet achter te houden van het geene nog in
gebruyk is, of eenigzins geoordeeld wierd hier toe
te behooren.
§ i Om-
Fig. 293. Paragon Roman no. 786, cut by Rosart in 1747.
Resetting of the preface to Keuren en ordonnantièn der stad Haarlem,
Haarlem, Izaak and Johannes Enschedé, and Jan Bosch, 1755 (cf. figs. 181 and 278).
that he and Alberts had produced at the Hague. I say 'almost', for there are small
differences and among them some reçut lower-case letters in this Paragon Italic.
The original capitals were not an ornament to the face ; and later, when the Brothers
Ploos van Amstel acquired Uytwerf's matrices, they left the Paragon Italic out of
their specimens. Only when they issued a supplement to their specimen-book of
1784 did they find a place for this early Italic but with new capitals made for it by
Rosart's son, Matthias (fig. 295, p. 257).x The type so refashioned was afterwards
used by our firm as the companion Italic for Paragon Roman No. 786. It is now the
Paraxon Italic No. j88 of our inventory (fig. 296, p. 257).
We have several of the types that were cut for Pfeiffer by Rosart between 174Г8]
and 1752. First, there is a lower case added to the capitals originally cut as titling
capitals on Four-line Small Pica. With the lower case the face is shown by Pfeiffer
and Ploos van Amstel as Missaal Roman.2 It is now our Four-line Pica Roman N0.789
(figs. 297, 298). Besides that we have as numbered in our inventory the Pica Roman
No. jyo, the Small Pica Roman No. 791 and Italic No. 792, the Kleine Dessendiaan (Small
Pica) Roman No. j^ and italic No. 794, the Long Primer Roman No. 795, the same as the
preceding but with shortened letters, the Pica Black Letter No. J96, and the Small Pica
віаск Letter No. jyj. These relics of the Pfeiffer Foundry are shown in figs. 299—315,
Missaal Romei N.
Deopra Stolidi est
eunt, nul dicere et fa-
lum offici
Fig.297. Four-line Pica Roman N0.789, cut by Rosart
between 1748 and 1752. Resetting of part of the
type-specimen of J.-F. Rosart, (1752).
Fig. 298. Four-line Pica Roman No. 789. Resetting of part of
the type-specimen of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
[1] Proeve van eenige nietiwe schritten ... Gebroeders Ploos van Amstel, book referred to. There were matrices only. It seems to be
Amsterdam. List of type-specimens no. 139. This specimen- Charles Enschedé's opinion that the second set of capitals
book is undated ; but it cannot have been issued before May was cut by Matthias Rosart, because no origin is given by
Щг, the date of the removal to the Leidsegracht mentioned Van Rijswijk.
in the Lyst van Stempels . . . (see note 1 on p. 197). This Paragon [2] Missal is a common German name for a very large body.
Italic is no. 125 of that Lyst and Van Rijswijk added that it [3] See note 1 on p. 251.
had two sotts of capitals. These are shown in the specimen-