1779.! The earlier Two-line Great Vrimer Roman N0.783 by Rosart came to us after being
in the foundries of Cambier, Jan Roman & Company, and Ploos van Amstel. All that
is left of it, the numerals, is shown in fig. 285 p. 254.
Our Paraaon Roman No. j86 which Rosart also supplied to Pfeiffer and De Groot
is in its original state (figs. 291-293). I said before that Enschedé did not buy the
Italic because he thought that Fleischman's Great Primer with the substitution
of long-tailed letters would serve the turn well enough (see fig. 240 on p. 228).
However, in 1760, when Rosart sold his foundry, a set of matrices for his Paragon
Italic came into Enschedé's possession. He did not mate it with the Roman in his
specimens, but displayed it as a type on its own. Some of the lower-case sorts were
altered at a later time, and the capitals have now disappeared. We show the type,
Populus Romanus Rien ne doit ébranler
Librorum Reipubïi un homme d'honneur,
cum quantus licet f g] quand la probité le con-
Fig. 288. Two-line English-bodied Italie no. 785, cut by Fig. 289. Two-line English-bodied Italic no. 785, cut by
Rosart in 1747. Resetting of part of the type-specimen Rosart in 1747. Resetting of part of the type-specimen
of J.-F. Rosart, 1752. of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
Als JEfopus aan den
Philofooph Chilo vraagde:
Wat Godi in den Hemel
maakte? Zoo antwoord-
de hy: De Hoogmoedige
v er ne e derd Ну: Ende de
Neederigen verhoogt Hy.
leder een behoord zyne
Ziele meer te agten als zy¬
ne bedriegelyke Goederen.
Fig. 290. Two-line English-bodied Italic no. 785, cut by Rosart in 1747.
Resetting of part of the type-specimen of J. de Groot, 1781.
[1] Epreuve des caracteres de la fonderie de la veuve Decellier, successeur de Jacques-François Rosart. Troisième Édition augmentée. Brussels 1779-
List of type-specimens No. 126.
Paragon Romyn.
Celie Cornice Corin¬
thienne eft tirée de di¬
vers endroits à Rome,&
Anno 1752. ':-,áeíoú.
Fig. 291. Paragon Roman no. 786, cut by Rosart
in 1747. Resetting of part of the type-specimen
of J.-F. Rosart, (1752).
Aide Manuce mettoit or¬
dinairement à fes Im prelìì-
ons une Ancre entortillée &
mordue d'un Dauphin. C'é-
toit pour lignifier qu'il tra-
vailloit fans relâche, & pour¬
tant avec poids & jugement;
ainfi qu'il dit Lui-même au
Prince de Carpi dans la Pre¬
face à la Sphere de Proclus,
imprimée en 1449. ^ËABCD
Fig.292. Paragon Roman no.786, cut by Rosart ¡n 1747.
Resetting of part of the type-specimen of
J.-F. Rosart, Brussels, 1761.
Paragon Curcyi
Roterodama mihi tellus, natalis
origo: Non pof tremi inter Batavas
hinc nominis urbes: Me celebrant
darum fama? prœconia magna?:
Barbarie s per me cesfitquodfinibus
exul: Divinis dederim quod lucem
rebus amoenam, Et Lati) imbuerim
linguasfermonis honore: BDLMR
Fig. 294. Paragon Italie no. 787, cut by Rosart. Resetting of part
of the type-specimen of Johannes Enschedé, 1768, with some
later adjustments. Capitals from Paragon Italic N0.788.
ICH NE UM ON est animal
magnitudine felis, id est cat¬
ti, fpecie mûris , quod mus
Indicus dicitur, 6? pugnat cum
afpide; atque etiam crocodilon
quandoque necare dormientem
fabulantur. abcdcgilmnopqrstu
Fig. 295. Paragon Italic N0.788, probably cut by Rosart
early in his career. Resetting of part of the type-specimen of
the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1784.
Paragon Curcyf №. 1.
Garde ton cœur par dejjus
tout ce qu'il y a à garder,
car de lui proviennent les four-
ces de la vie. âêîoû déíóú àèìòù
a'éïou âêïôun ?! Ж ABCDEZ
Fig. 296. Paragon Italic no. 788, probably cut by Rosart. Resetting of
part of the type-specimen of Johannes Enschedé en Zoonen, 1806.
our Paraxon Italic No. j8y, in fig. 294, supplying the want of capitals with some that
came to us on the sale of Ploos van Amstel in 1799.
The Paragon Italic that we got from Ploos van Amstel is probably by Rosart,
and likely to have been cut early in his career. When Uytwerf set up as a type-
rounder in Amsterdam he brought out a specimen1 almost exactly like the one
[1] Proef van letteren ... Hermanus Uytwerf, Amsterdam. List of type-specimens no. 64.