Laatfte Defcendiaan Romein, Derde Schrift.
Imprimis Marcum Tullium opponebat, cuius
Oratio optima fertur effe quœ maxima. Plerifque enim
orationibuslongiore traftu vis quaedam & pondus ac¬
cediti Utque corpori ferrum. Sic oratio animo non ic-
tu magia quam mora imprimitur. Videmus, ut ftatuas
figlia, picìuras, hominum deifique multorumque am¬
malami formas, arborum etiam, fi modo fint decora?,
Nihil magis, quam amplitudo commendet: idem ora-
tionibus evenit: quinetiam voluminibus autorita-AB
J. M. Fleifchman fculpfit. 1761.
Fig. 263. Small Pica Roman no. 90, cut by Fleischman in 1761.
Resetting of part of the type-specimen of
Johannes Enschedé, 1768.
Defcendiaan Curcyf, Derde Schrift.
Nee etiam unius Eobani bibacitaspropiam ipfi maculam
cceteris poetis, nedum toti Germatwrum nationi, fecerit
communem. Alias eodem jure alteri us poetœ fobrietate&
repulcro ißam communem injur iam,fimulque fecero [abri¬
os poetas omnes,& germanosomnes. Henricusenim Glare-
anus, quern Imp. Maximilianus I Colonia laurea poetices
inßgni cor onavit,& eximio annido donavit,cum is aliquan
do in convivio a quodam importunius urgeretur,utipropi¬
natifatisfacer et,ecquem vero tumeejfeputas? Glareanus
J.M.Fleischman Sculpsit
Fig. 264. Small Pica Italie no. 91, cut by Fleischman in 1761
Resetting of part of the type-specimen of
Johannes Enschedé, 1768.
Parel Duits No. i.
»alelu-3¡a. Stlepfj. 4In orn raet tubi litrnabcrinnt ber oprccljten. 1 «Slmtl. ©t mentira Щ ÏJ6Œ» ¿ítíncbtn bao? 3. jl!. j¡lelfcfjman. Fig. 262. Ruby Black Letter no. 549, cut by Fleischman in 1760. Resetting of part of the type-specimen of Johannes Enschedé, 1768. NON PLUS ULTRA, Gezegt tyaIelii-За. 3tltpfj. 3tß fai brn ©сеоЗйаЗ tifava bn íantftljrr Timen: *ött!j Fig. 266. Pearl Black Letter no. 93, cut by Fleischman in 1762. Resetting of part of the type-specimen of Johannes Enschedé, 1768. Parel Romein No. 2. Dicet ailquis ex vobii ; Quomodo rcfurjlcnt mortui ? & quali corpore veulent TStulte, lernen quod tu (ê- J. M. Fleifchman fculpfit. 17S1 Fig. 265. Ruby Roman no. 92, cut by Fleischman in 1761. A year later, in 1760, Johannes Enschedé once more gave proof of a determination The year 1761 was spent in cutting three new types, the Small Pica Roman N0.90, the 240 JOHANN MICHAEL FLEISCHMAN up to that time the foundry could offer only a Nonpareil face on Ruby body. On these pages printers may see a range of Black Letter from Two-line Great Primer to Pearl All the Black Letters, from Pica to Pearl, are eminently suitable for setting Bibles, New The three Black Letter types, on English body, Pica, and Small Pica, by Christoffel van Dijck However, by this time the health of the 60-year-old punchcutter was failing, and The next year he was worse, and he could do no more than make the ligatures He was spared a few more years. An improvement in his health allowed him 241
flffiJJÎ 31)11 ¡uoot: ©alttl). in luojbtiijcíotljt Uan mie blcbfrluft In IjtbDcii. 3 ßt.
¿l'in borii Ц mnlnìfiit rnbr IjitrilcfiiiEiir: Bau. cube fijne sjercrliriijljçiu brftnrr In
ber eeuUilalíent. 4 ¡Ш, Qu l'ittft lijiitii Uionbtrcn teil jcbatUtcnlffr nrniariit:
artjtt. bt Í)¿í;iíe2 ¡S anublan tube oariiilirrrlof). 5 «Ttirt. ßn litrfr btn nenrn
bie lirm uierítn/ funfe ntnrliDii : 'lall, üjn nrttnclir In btt Kiuufgqrnt ,itn щи lice«
uonr. 6 Xatnro. lira grtirnbt be trat brr ßubentn. 7 jttrin. ©1 uitrrlirn fiinrr Ijanbtn
ЗИП niirrqrnt mbt j^orbtel; .nun. alle Ufa' unirrltii 31)11 gemmine, s aanrtg.
Áa 3fln onberrtemit liooj .litan« [en] in eeuuiigQeur. Ига. jiinbe gcbaen In Uiaet»
neiit enbe cpreel)tlgl|ent. 9 Pt. í)n Ticeft fiiiicn Unifie Pcrloffnige gefonben : Cía«
be." Bu Ijeeír flfn Uerbniu In eeiiluigqeut grüoben : tiopl). Í1111 naine V¡ Iji.iligh enbe
torrlíttn; 10 tiefen, ©e lijrrfr be» ВввЙвЛ ió íjet üeginfel bec llfiiilHeiit:
¿Sellili, alle bíefe buen fjebüen noet üerflant : ш úin lof befl.iet [ut In ber eeu»
uTigbenr. Pfalin
in Ьгп cact cube berna b cri іщс ber optatiteli. 2 lOlmcl. H*t \uercicit bei 0£С*
fi¿.0 vin ijriiur: Äijlfiii. fu ìiiDibni QCftitfit ban allr bii'ber luftln Ijcöüi'ii. 36c
£І\п burn l? inajrftrnr eiibe ljrtrlftf([]cjit : Pau. rnbr jì|nc ijrrtfitnjliciit (irjrartln
ber rrutoloficnt. 4 ¿adi. lt)n fjccft fijneii tooiibeccii cru ßcbatlirciiliTc НЯШК&С:
€Det. be Oíífií ip [tmabinû enbe tianiiljertlaf). 5
6ont. 6 ¿api). On ficeft be ftracfjt fijiict tatAfH fijiicn boltfic Eiclmit nciuarriit*
Tameb. firn gebeubc be cebe bee Ipnbnicii. y .lEcni. T>e tamben |'i¡nee tiauben
im biaeefjent cube фоіЬгсі: .Gun. alle fijne ücbrelcn ШЯ ntWtttot. 8 ¿îamerfi.
Äp 3ÍJ11 onberfteunt booj altooi [en] in eetitaialicnt. Sfili МШИ itcbacn in bjacr«
fiept enbe opretlitiflljept. 9 Pe. Oy Fjccft fifncn boftfie becloffinge gefonben : i¡£fa<
bf, Dn fiEcft fifn bciiioiit in eeiibitfilirpt gebotenI Hopf), iijn млеше іё Г]ііИп;Г) enbe
brerflïcn; 10 ficfefj. 3?e b;eefe bej OííRí^Í lp net bcninfel ber ÍPíjflicnt;
¿ti](11. alle blcfc boni/ fieblien joet becfraut: вфШ.Щв lof licftact toi in bcrc'eu*
tolBDtpt. píalm Crj. %%€9&ЗФ93Ъ%шЛфмШЯаП1»ітІЯЪ
eefiiebcn ©ooj 3. ЛЗ. j?lttftl}mani7ct2
minaî, (1 non moriatur, non revivilcit. Et in quod tcminas.ncquaquam illud con>ui quod futurum cá ièminai,
led granum nutum tritici aut tiordci.aut rcliquorum (èminum. Drui auccm datci согрш qiicmadmodum vult:
cc unicuiquc ex ІЬгліпіЬц, софіи natune fus Nequáquam enim omne софіи ell «quale, aliud enim eil corpus
Hominis, & aliu li bcltise, aliud volatili', & aliud pifeium. Et funt corpora calcfüca, funt corpora te-reftria-
Scd alia cil gloria С(ЕІсПіит, & alia tei redi ¡um. Et alia cil ejona Sol, alia ci'; gloria Lunas, alia gloria dell:!
rum. ПсІІа cxccllcntoir eli «ellain «ABCDEFGHJIKLMNOPQRSTVUWXYZ &ЩЩРЙ№>
ІЫШсШсіІІ;ІП! ï'n, 134156709!) ж abc» rfg fijiklm;no|'c;rstvl-\vx ïz àél-u aeióll aeidú'áeüoV lüöiirnü
Resecting of part of the type-specimen of Johannes Enschedé, 1768.
not to be outdone. I have said that in 1754 Fleischman cut a Ruby Black Letter for
Martin Weyer, of Amsterdam (see p. 231). As was to be expected, it was much better
than the type of the same description which Fleischman cut in 1733 (see p. 197)
which Enschedé acquired in 1743 by buying Wetstein's foundry. In the intervening
twenty years Fleischman's art had developed, and it is understandable that the
typefounder at Haarlem chafed at the thought that there should be on sale at
Amsterdam a type far better than one of his own cut by the same hand. Moreover,
Weyer's stock had in the mean time been bought by the Brothers Ploos van Amstel,
who were benefiting by the current vogue for anything that Fleischman made. As
soon as the music-type was finished, therefore, a new small Black Letter was put in
hand. It is now our Ruby Black Letter N0.549 (fig. 262).
Small Pica Italic No. 91 (figs. 263,264), and the Ruby Roman N0.92 (fig. 265) of our inventory.
The last, cut in the same style as the Small Pica, was a valuable accession, because
In 1762 Fleischman cut small capitals for the Pica italic No. 59 (see fig. 188, p. 204),
designed, no doubt, for a particular piece of printing. When those were done
Enschedé decided to have another small Black Letter, now our Pearl віасіг Letter No.
23 (fig. 266), so that he might be able to supply printers with the fullest range
of Black Letter ever offered by one typefounder. From Two-line Great Primer to
Pearl he had an uninterrupted series of these types and it was one that greatly
enhanced the reputation of his business. Of this he was naturally proud, and he
must be forgiven if he could not always resist a tendency to vaunt himself in his
advertising. In his specimen-book of 1768 he drew special attention to the Black
Letters and put a note to this efFeci: after the last of them.
and all by the great J. M. Fleischman. The Ruby No. 1 was the first of them that he cut and the
Pearl was the last. When, in 1754, he made a new Ruby Black Letter for another founder and
the face was hailed as an improvement on that of 1733,1 conceived a desire to have my second
made by this letter-cutter in which by skill and application he might surpass even his achieve¬
ment of 1754. The new face (marked No. 2) was cut in 1760. Furthermore, to round off his series
of these types, in 1762 the same artist cut the Pearl shown above, astonishing for its elegance
and refinement.
Testaments, prayer-books, and other works, and they outdo anything previously to be seen.
With them it will be possible to print more copies by several thousands than with types from
other foundries, because they are cut so much deeper that they will resist impression much
came to us by purchase, and they, too have great merits. т Ь F h c\ '
his capacity for work was afFecLed. When he lost his wife in 1749, he had left Edam
and had made his home once more in Amsterdam; in 1763 he moved to Haarlem,
hoping to find relief from the chest-trouble that was weakening him. In spite of
his illness, he did all he could for the typefoundry that by now had a strong hold
on his affections. It was in 1763 that he cut an Italic, the Bourgeois italic No. 94 of
our inventory (fig. 267, p. 242), needed to fill a gap in the range of his types for
for his English-bodied Greek cut in 1740 (seep. 207). In the spring of 1765 he finished
the ligatures for his Small Pica Greek (see p. 217).
later in 1765 to set to work on a Brevier Roman and Italic for the Brothers Ploos
van Amstel. They are now the Brevier Roman No. 53 and the Brevier Italic No. 173 of our
inventory (figs. 268,269, p. 242).