Mediaan Romyn.
At etiam literas, quas me fibi mififfe diceret,
recitavit homo & humanitatis expers, & vit»
communis ignarus. Quis enim unquam, qui pall¬
ium modo bonorum confuetudinem noflet, lite¬
ras ad fe ab amico millas, offenfione aliqua in-
terpofita, in medium protulit, palamque recita¬
vit? Quid eft aliud, tollere è vita vita; focieta-
tem, quam tollere amicorum colloquia abfen-
tium? quam multa joca folent effe in epiftolis.
UVWXYZ^. 1234567890.
Fig. 246. Pica Roman no. 81, cut by Fleischman for
J. Cambier in 1752. Resetting of part of the type-specimen
of Jacob Cambier, с 1753.
Dessendiaan Romyn.
At etiam literas, quas me fibi mififfe diceret, re¬
citavit homo & humanitatis expers, & vitae com¬
munis ignarus. Quis enim unquam, qui paulum mo-
do bonorum confuetudinem noflet, literas ad le ab
amico millas, offenfione aliqua interpofita, in me¬
dium protulit, palamque recitavit? Quid eft aliud,
tollerere è vita vitas focietatem, quam tollere ami¬
corum colloquia abfentium? quam multa joca folent.
WXYZÄ 1234567890.
Fig. 248. Small Pica Roman no. 83, cut by Fleischman for
J. Cambier in 1753. Resetting of part of the type-specimen
of Jacob Cambier, с 1753.
Mediaan Cursyf.
L'on commence par établir que ce ríe fi pas une
chofe aifée que de faire des expériences. Cette occu¬
pation que même des favatu ont traité de frivole
& de puerile, demande beaucoup d'art, beaucoup
de fineffe & defagacitéd'efprit. Elle veut fur-tout
qu'on ail renoncé à ceje ne fai quoi de faux que
chacun met dans fa manière favorite d'envifager
les objets extérieurs. Un Difciple d'Arisfiote les &c.
ѴиіѴХТгЖ. âêiôû àëïou.
Fig. 247. Pica Italie no. 82, cut by Fleischman fot
J. Cambier in 1752. Resetting of part of the type-specimen
of Jacob Cambier, с 1753.
Dessendiaan Cursyf.
L'on commence par établir que ce ríe fi pas une chofe
aifée que de faire des expériences. Cette occupation que
même des favans ont traité de frivole & de puerile,
demande beaucoup d'art, beaucoup de fineffe & de fu¬
gacité d'efprt't. Elle veut fur-tout qu'on ait renoncé à
ce que je ne fiai quoi de faux que chacun met dans fa ma¬
nière favorite d'envifager les objets extérieurs. Un
VUWXYZJE âêîôû äeiöü.
Fig. 249. Small Pica Italic no. 84, cut by Fleischman for
J. Cambier in 1753. Resetting of part of the type-specimen
of Jacob Cambier, с 1753.
N. 2. Mediaan Romein.
Men vindt geen hooger wysheids fchool,
Dan het doorluchtig Kapitool.
Zodra daar ezels zyn gezeeten,
Zy fchynen alle ding te weeten.
J. Six van Chandelier.
Fig. 251. Pica Roman no. 85, cut by Fleischman for
M. Weyer in 1755. Resetting of part ofthe type-specimen
ofthe Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
N. 2. Nieuwe Text Romein.
Nunquam in eodem ftatu res
humanae permanent, ideo pruden-
tis eft nihil in hoc mundo fidere.
Fig. 252. Great Primer Roman No. 86, cut by Fleischman for
M. Weyer in 1757. Resetting of part of the type-specimen
ofthe Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
Paerel Duits.
.Sifimtt niet mtt eenen onrjeftfjlfiren / op bar utoe booipuber? [nan nera] niet onreerb
en toorben. Bertonr rtecn nienfitje ble nein ban jonbe aftieert. öebenfit/ bat tan alle
(trafiuaarbin зпп. ©nrcerr nlcmanb In spnen oubcrbom / toanr doli uit ong sanier
ble oub \ua :bni. Berblnb u niet abet ben boob ban utoen ntootften bpanb ; maar ge-
benfit/ bat ton alie tremen sullen.
.ëtfierrft nier mer eenen oiijrfcliiïuen /oubot utoe boorouberj [ban fjciTi] nier onreerb
en tooiben. Bertapr aten menfcfir / ble Ijem ban sonbe aftieert. Феьепйг / bat top ai¬
le ftraftoaarbln spn. фигесп ninnano In innen oubcrbom / tuant con ufr one spnber
ble oub tuoiben. Berblpb u nier ober ben boob nan utocn (iroorfttti bnanbj man CJf-
benfir/ barrup alle fieri)en sullen. Я:БЙ©£ЯС«?ЗЙЖ.Ш.ВДФй.аДОВВІЮІ'!Ш:г
Fig. 250. Ruby Black Letter no. 551, cut by Fleischman for
M. Weyer in 1754. Resetting of part of the type-specimen
of the Brothers Ploos van Amstel, 1767.
the Ruby Block Letter No. 551 of our inventory (fig. 250). In 1755 Weyer went back to
Fleischman for a Pica Roman, and in 1757 for a Great Primer.1 These faces are now
as numbered in our inventory the Pica Roman No. 85 and the Great Primer Roman No. 80
[1] Fleischman made entries in his account-book about the the Text Romijn (Great Primer Roman) to Martin Weyer on
delivery of matrices for the Mediaan Romijn (Pica Roman) and 7 February 1755 and on 9 May 1757, respectively.
(figs. 251, 252). But these ventures brought little profit to him: before he could
even put his new types in a specimen Weyer fell ill and died,1 and his widow, not
feeling equal to managing the business, sold it to the Brothers Ploos van Amstel.2
They, therefore, were able to show a number of new types by Fleischman in their
specimen-book of 1767.3
Enschedé had bought a Two-line Pica Script from Rosart (see p. 261), and it led
to emulation by Fleischman. In 1756 he was given an order to supply the Enschedé
typefoundry with a Script, the Double Pica Script No. 8j of our inventory. Johannes
script type for
лЛі j.'a j,'.t jit ST*, jä І7л ¿Гл. j», j£t і?л
Л.Л. 3,'Л.
ш ten
e van
/LS Сбсн еепіае л-aar en aeCeeâen ;
яУ \D nun; oie ziefi, door mu ¿ri t ѵеЛапаешь oer tyiooc
¿Teten onoerwuzen, de teaenwoordiae C/teaeùs опжАеш. oßet
veriv-onòeróe mu meniamaac wootCufcs, oat er tot аеогиіл
van een ¿ю- aewo&n en au de meeÂe Ga?icerten ¿una on=
ontéeercu£ 44/er/ctaia; acts oe tyioof met àer oaad is, aee=
ne ubanoieidhia ten voorjeaun ww-am; ¿aar men ecnier
ree-os overCana aoeoe (-¿ronoveain-feu, en ѵоогпаатсик eeniae
tjteaeos aanaaanoe oe vuzonoere Q/truámanier riad noooia
aeÄad. Übet oeed mu oimvuCs niet weinia ¿eed> wanneer
in, onoervond, oat oe U^eeroinacn zo ¿ceca-t onoerweezen wa=
■; oat men niet aueen ailes van t veain at weoer aer=
Лаасеп ;
* *
Fig. 253. Double Pica Script no. 87, cut by Fleischman in 1756 : Resetting of the opening page of
Leopold Mozart, Grundig ondermjs in ltd hehandekn der viool, Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé, 1766.
[1] He was buried on 31 December 1762 (AGA, no.1072, p. 52). Brouwer & Weyer, was bought from the Widow Weyers.
M G. J. van Rijswijk wrote in the Lyst van Stempels ... (see [3] See List of type-specimens no. hi.
note 1 on p. 197) that the typefoundry of Uytwerf, later of