Caslon Openface, Engravers' Oldstyle 124
Caslon Openface
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In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually with cats and dogs we know who the moth
er is but not the father. A cat with a large telly wondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and ga
ve birth to five kittens. While the mother was a pure white thoroughbred Chinchila, the kittens were black and white
tabbies of mixed breed. One of these came to our house about two weeks after its birth and was given the name Gonn
osuke. At that time we already had one female Shiba dog and one female brown tatty cat in our house comprising onl
у 13 thuto. The dog was called Momo and the cat Mii. My wife, who was very much opposed to keeping cats and dog
In our nouse we nati a. cat wioi tike grandiose name oi ijonnosuke. Usual!
у witli cats and clogs we know wlho tike niotner is out not tne latter» A cat
witn a large belly wondered into the nouse oi my younger sister and lier li
uskand and gave oirtli to five kittens, Wlriile tne niotner was a pure white
lii our lionise we liad, a cat wi
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ITC Caslon 224 Book, Dutch 785 Bitstream
ITC Caslon 224 Book
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In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually with eats and dogs we kno
w who the mother is but not the father. A cat with a large belly wondered into the house of my young
er sister and her husband and gave birth to five kittens. While the mother was a pure white thorough
bred Chinchila, the kittens were black and white tabbies of mixed breed. One of these came to our ho
use about two weeks after its birth and was given the name Gonnosuke. At that time we already had о
ne female Shiba dog and one female brown tabby cat in our house comprising only 13 tubo. The dog
In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonnosu
ke. Usually with cats and dogs we know who the mother is but
not the father. A cat with a large belly wondered into the house
of my younger sister and her husband and gave birth to five kitt
In our house we had a cat with the grandi
ose name of Gonnosuke. Usually with cats
and dogs we know who the mother is but