Bernhard Modem Italie, Engravers' Oldstyle 126 Bitstream
Bernhard Modem Italie
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In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually with cats ani Jogs we know who the mothe
r is but not the father. A cat with a large belly wondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gave
birth to five kittens. While the mother was a pure white thoroughbred Chinchila, the kittens were black and white tahhie
s of mixed breed. One of these came to our house about two weeks after its birth and was given the name Gonnosuke.
4f fí time we a'ready had one female Shiba dog and one female brown tabby cat in our house comprising only 13 th
ubo. The dog was called Momo and the cat Mii. My wife, who was very much opposed to keeping cats and dogs, insta
In our kouse we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usuali
y with cats and dogs we know who the motker is hut not tke fatker. A cat
with a large belly wondered into tke kouse of my younger sister and ker ku
sband and gave birtk to five kittens. Wkile tke motker was a pure wkite tk
lose na
In our house we had a cat with the grandie
me of Gonnosuke. Usually with cats and dogs we
know who the mother is but not the father. A cat
Bernhard Modern Bold, Engravers' Oldstyle 126 Bitstream
Bernhard Modern Bold
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In our kouse we kad a cat witk tke grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually witk cats and dogs we kno
w wko tke motker is kut not tke fatker. A cat witk a large kelly wondered into tke kouse of my younger
sister and ker kuskand and gave kirtk to five kittens. Wkile tke motker was a pure wkite tkorougkkred
Ckinckila, tke kittens were black and wkite takkies of mixed kreed. One of tkese came to our kouse ak
out two weeks after its kirtk and was given tke name Gonnosuke. At tkat time we already kad one fem
ale Skika dog and one female krown takky cat in our kouse comprising only 13 tkuko. Tke dog was cal
In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name or Gonnosu
ke. Usually with cats and dogs we know who the mother is hut
not the father. A cat with a large helly wondered into the house
of my younger sister and her hushand and gave hirth to rive kitt
In our house we had a cat with the granaio
se name or Gonnosuke. Usually with cats
and dogs we know who the mother is hut