Incised 901 Nord Italic/Head Bitstream
Like Antique Olive Nord Italic
rstuv wxyzIS
fff our house we haü a eat with the gra
neliose name of Gonnosuke. usually wit
h eats ana dogs we know who the ¡not
her is hut not the father, л eat with a
in our house we had a eat
with the grandiose name
of Gonnosuke. usually wit
Aurora Condensed, Swiss 939 Bitstream
Aurora (New Aurora Grotesque)
О ***#■■
іміг loise іе lai a cai nil lie irudlBse пи ol eoinosnle. Usoaiiy Ml ms aid dogs »e lu шйо me mur is sol noi me lamée » cai Hin a large leiiv monieren mio me noise oi mg pur sisier ano пег
lista« aii ine lim li me ипев. lille ne utter ns a lire Ulte игам cincillà, ne нпек «re Diaci ano elite tallies ol mined ireei. one ni mese cane io oir mise aloni two irais aller ils un
I au ns ilici ne іам Юноше, DJ nal lin к already lad oie iemale Silla dm aid oie lesale iron laiig cai li onr loose comprising onig із molo. lie dog was called momo and lie cal Mil. nig vile, »hi m
as ier» mid opposed n leeilii cals ad dogs, lislaiiaieiisig tell lor lis slagiv appearance ail lie liad Hi il lis nse aod decided on lis name, crglig ills dog's lame is mono, mil is a sirag cal which mg daoohie
r picked и. II cried a loi sain a send me ill ill. я le were soon calling и mil. Ol coirse ll us a Hied ireel aid lad all lie ciaracterisilcs ol a Jaoaiese cai. li oír leise и lad a cai will Ile graidlose naie
ol fioiiosile. ми un cats aid lus u kin ili Ile utter is loi ni ne liner i cal »m a lane belli udirei ino lie dise il u »lier slsler ad 1er lisi« id ни Urti to lite tilléis, unite не io
in our house we had a cat uiith the grandiose name ol Gonnosuke. usually inn cals and dngs uie Know who the mother is dui noi me lath
er. D cal with a large belly wondered into the house ol my yuunger sisier and her husband and gave Dirtti in Hue Kittens. While the moth
er was a pure while thoroughbred Chinchila. the Kittens were btach and while tabbies ol mined breed, one ol these came to our house a
boul two weeks alter its birth and was giuen the oame Gonnosuke. At thai lime we already had one iemale Shiba dug and une iemale bru
li оог uose № had a cai with the grandiose name ol fiennosoke. usually with cats and do
is oie know who lie mother Is tot oot the lathee о cat with a tome hetig wondered into the
hoose of mg goooger sisier and her husband and gave htrth to live kittens, lite the moth