Senator Thin
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In our house ше had a cat urith the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usuallu urith cats and dogs ше кпош mho the mother is hut not the father, fl cat urith a lar
ge belili tendered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gaue birth to fiue kittens. UJhile the mother mas a pure uihite thoroughbred Chi
nchila the kittens шеге black and uihite tabbies of mixed breed. Dne of these came to our house about too uieeks after its birth and mas giuen the name Gon
nosuke lit that time ше already had one female Shiba dog and one female broum tabby cat in our house comprising only 13 tubo. The dog mas called momo a
nd the cat fflii Uly unie mho mas uery much opposed to keeping cats and dogs, instantaneously fell for its shaggy appearance and the black tip of its nose a
nd decided on its name, crying this dog's name is momo. ГШі is a stray cat mhich my dauyhter picked cried a lot making a sound like mil mil, so ше ше
In dui house ше had a cat uiith thE grandiose патв dì GonnosukB. Usually tuith cats and dogs шв
Кпош шпо thE mother is but not Ше father, fl cat urith a large belly шопавгвй into Ше housE of m
y youngEr sister and пег husband and gauE birth to fiue hittens. Ulhile Шв mother mas a pure шпі
te thoroughbred Chinchila, the kittens шегЕ black and uihite tabbies of miKed breed. One of these
In our Iidusb шв had a cat urith the grandiose патв of Gonnosuk
i. Usuallu urith cats and dags шв кпош mho Шв mother is but no
t the father, fl cat Urith a large Ьвііу uiündßrßd into Шв house dì
Senator Demi _. ro
ff 99
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In our house ше had a cat urith the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually urith cats and dogs ше кпош шіш the mother is but not the father fl cat
tilth a large belly uiondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gaue birth to fiue kittens. Ulhile the mother mas a pure mhi
te thoroughbred Chinchila. the kittens шеге black and uihite tabbies of mined breed. One of these came to our house about tura ureeks after its birt
h and uias giuen the name Connosuke. lit that time me alieady had one female Shiba dog and one female broum tabby cat in our house comprising
only 13 tubo. The dog mas called fflomo and the cat lUii. IUy urife, mho mas uery much opposed to keeping cats and dogs, instantaneously fell for i
ts shaggy appearance and the black tip of its nose and decided on its name, crying this dog's name is Шото. lUii is a stray cat mhich my daughter
In our house ше had a cat шіШ the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usuallij urith cats and do
gs ше кпош mho the mother is but not the father, fl cat urith a large belly uiondered into th
e house of mg gounger sister and her husband and gaue birth to fiue kittens. Ulhile the mot
her mas a pure uihite thoroughbred Chinchila, the kittens шеге black and uihite tabbies of
In our house ше had a cat urith the grandiose name of Gonno
suke. Usuallij urith cats and dogs ше кпош urtio the mother i
s but not the father, fl cat urith a large belly urondered into t