Oblong Regular
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In bui house m lad i cat witli the grandiose urne of Cmnosuke. bttfl] lirilli Etti ani dogs we taiorir urlio the mother is lut not the father. Я cat urith a large lellg wondered in
to the house of mg uounger sister and hei husland and gaue birth to fiue hittens. While the mothei was a pine white thoioughhred Chinchila, the kittens weie hlach and white
tallies of mixed treed. One of these came to oui house ahout two weeks after its birth and was giuen the name Connosuke. Rt that time we ilieadu had one female Shiba dog and
one female Irium talhu cat in oui house comprising onlg 13 tuho. The dog was called Homo and the cat lu. lu wife, who was uerg much opposed to keeping cats and dogs, inst
intaneouslg fell fir its shaggg appearance and the black tip if its nose and decided on its name, erging this dog's name is lomo, lii is a strag cat which mg daughtei picked u
j.It cried a lot making a sound lib mil mil, so we weie soon calling it lii. Of couise it was a mixed hieed and had all the characteristics of a Japanese cat. In our house we ha
In our house ше had a cat uiith the grandiose mire of C-onnosuke. Usuallu urith cats and dogs ше кпош who the
mother is hut list thE fathEr. Я cat urith a large belli] urondered into the house of mu punger sister and her h
ushand and gaue hirth to fiue kittens. Ulhile the mother uras a jure urhite thoroughhrEd Chinchila, thE hittens
игегЕ black and white tahhies of mked breed. Dne of these came to our house about turn ureeks after its hirth
In our house ше had a cat urith the grandiose name of tanosuke. Usuallij
urith cats and dogs иге knour urho the mother is but not the father. A cat
urith a large hellij urondered into the house of mij punger sister and her
Oblong Bold
Il ou house be had i cat with the grandiose name of Connosuke. Istilli with cits and loge he know who tke nitkei ii kit not the filler. 1 cat witk i luge kill]
wondered into the house of mg giunger Bieter and her husband ui gaue hirth to fiue kittens, llfhile tke nether was a fire white thoioughhred Chinchila, tke kittei
e were h lick ui wlite tahhies of nixed kreei. Ine of these cine to our коне iloit two seeks after iti hirth and m giuen tke une Connosuke. It that tine we il
readg had eie fenile Skill log ui oie fenile brown talk] ut in our house comprising onli 13 tuho. Tke leg wie called Soni ni the cit lii. 1] wife, wke wie іе
г] nick ipioied to keeping cits ui dogs, initintineoulg fell fir its shaggg appearance ui tke h lack tip of ite nose ui ieciiei ei ite nine, erging tkii dog's nin
e il leni, lii ii i strag ut wkich ng iiightei picked ij.lt criei i lot nuking i sound like nil nil, eo we were eeei cilliif it lii. If cime it was i mixed kreei
In our house иге had a cat urith the grandiose name of tonno suke. Usuallij urith cats and dogs ore knour
urho the mother is hut not the father. A cat urith a large hellu urondered into the house of mg punger s
ister and her husband and gave hirth to five kittens. While the mother uras a pure urhite thoroughbred
Chinchila, the kittens urere black and urhite tahhies of mixed breed. Dne of these came to our house aha
In our haus e »te had a cat urith thE grandios e лалів of GnnnnsukE. Ils
uallu urith cats and dogs we knour urho thE mother is hut not thE fath
ег. Д cat urith a largs двИц wondered into thE housE of mu punger s