Modula Black
In our house ше had a ut urith the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. usually urith tats and dogs ше кпош uiho the mother is but not the father. I cat urith a Urge belly uiondered into the house of mg younger
sister and her husband and gaue birth to fiue kittens. Ulhile the mother mas a pure uihite thoroughbred Chinchila. the kittens шеге black and uihite tabbies of mined breed. One of these came to our house
about mo uieeks after its birth and mas giuen the name Gonnosuke. ■ that time ше already had one female Shiba dog and one female brouin tabby cat in out house comprising only 13 tubo. Ihe dog uias
called Homo and the cat Hii. Hg nifi, uiho uias иещ much opposed to keeping cats and dogs, instantaneously fell for its shaggg appearance and the black tip of its nose and decided on its name, erging t
his dog's name is Homo. Hii is a stray cat uihich mg daughter picked cried a lot making a sound like mil mil. so ше шеге soon calling it Hii. Of course it mas a mined breed and had all the characteris
tics of a Japanese cat. In our house ше had a cat urith the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. usually urith cats and dogs ше кпош uiho the mother is but not the father, fl cat urith a Urge belly uiondered into t
In out house ше had a cat uiith the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually ariti, cats and dogs ше кпош mho the mother is but n
ot the father. Й cat uiith a large belly uiondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gaue birth to fiue kitt
ens. Ulhile the mother mas a pure uihite thoroughbred Chinchila, the kittens шете black and uihite tabbies of mixed breed. One
of these came to our house about turn uieeks after its birth and mas giuen the name Gonnosuke. lit that time ше already had on
In out house ше had a cat uiith the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually uiith cats
and dogs ше кпош uiho the mother is but not the father, fl cat uiith a large belly шоп
dered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gaue birth to fiue kit
Modula Serif Regular
In our house ше had a cat uiith the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually uiith cats and dogs ше кпош uiho the mother is but not the father, Я cat uiith a large belly uiondered into the house of my younger sister and
her husband and gaue birth to fiue kittens. Ulhile the mother uias a pure white thoroughbred Chinchila. the kittens шеге black and white tabbies of mined breed. One of these came to our house about turn uieeks after
its birth and was giuen the name Gonnosuke. lit that Urne ше already had one female Shiba dog and one female broum tabby cat in our house comprising only I3 tubo. The dog was called Homo and the cat Hii. Ну unf
e. mho mas uerg much opposed to keeping cats and dogs, instantaneously fell for its shaggy appearance and the black tip of its nose and decided on its name, crying this dog's name is Homo. Hii is a stray cal uihic
h my daughter picked up. It cried a lot making a sound like mil mil so ше were soon calling it Hii. Of course it was a mined breed and had all the characteristics of a Japanese cat. In our house we had a cat with the
grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually with cats and dogs we know who the mother is but not the father, i cat with a large belly wondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gaue birth to flue
In our house ше had a cat uiith the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually ujith cats and dogs ше кпош mho the mother is but not the f
ather. fl cat uiith a large belly ujondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gaue birth to fiue kittens. UJhile the
mother ujas a pure uihite thoroughbred Chinchila. the kittens шеге black and uihite tabbies of mixed breed. One of these came to our h
ouse about turn uieeks after its birth and mas giuen the name Gonnosuke. fit that time ше already had one female Shiba dog and one fe
In our house ше had a cat mitri the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually u/ith cats and d
ogs ше кпош mho the mother is but not the father, fl cat uiith a large belly ujondered into
the house of my younger sister and her husband and gaue birth to fiue kittens. Ulhile the