Elektrix Light
to oftr Ьомі we kftd ft iftt witk tke Srftndiose WW« of Comosuke. Usftftlly witk tefe ftnd do5s we know wko tke wiotker
is Ы not tke ffttker. A cftt witk ft Iftrse tell/ wondered into tke koftse of my youuer sister ftnd ker км tout end 5ftve
kirtk to five kittens Wkile tke motker was ft pfcre wkite tkoroftSkfrred Ckinckilft, tke kittens were Mftck ftnd wkite tftfrfrl
es of wi*ed treed One of tkese саш to oft? koftse ftfroftt two weeks ftfter its frirtk ftnd wfts
Tke do5 was саЫ Momo ftnd tke cftt Mii. My wife, wko was very wftck opposed to keeping cats ftnd ioqs, instftntftneo
In our house we had a cat with tke gramme ^аше of Gomosuhe, Usually
witk cats ma dogs we know wko tke wwtker ¡s but mt tke father, A cat w
itk a large belly wondered into tke ko^se of илу younger sister av^d ke? кя5
bavid avid gaye birth to five Witters, Wkile tke motker was a pure white tk
Ik out house we kftd. ft cftt witk tke grandiose \ла
wie of йои-И-о^ке, WsuoWy witk cftts аідсі docjs we
ки-ow wko tke vnotker is but not tke ffttker, A cftt
Elektrix Bold
In oftr коме we M « ¿ftt witk tke çrAwiiûse пше of ßonnosftke. Usftftlly witk CAts ftnd do$s we know wko tke motker
is Ш M tke ffttker. A tfftt witk а \щв telly wondered into tke koftse of my уолиqer sister ftnd ker kfcstand und $*ve t
irtk to five kittens. Mile tke motker was ft pfcre wkite tkorOfc$ktred Ckinekilft, tke kittens were Mftek ftnd wkite tMit
s of mi*ed treed. One of tkese efttne te oftr koftse fttofct twc weeks After its tirtk And was given the мте Gonnosftke. A
t tkftt time we *lre*dy kftd cue fewftle Skitft doc *nd one femftle trown tfttby e*t in oftr koftse eomprisinj only ij tftto.
Tke do$ was wiled Momo And tke eftt Mii. My wife, wko was very wftek opposed to keeping CAts ftnd dojs, inst¿ntftní>oft
Іи сит кше we k*d * witk crts ÄHtl tlo^í wí киоѵѵ wko tkí mötk^r F^ Ш wút tkí f^tk^r. А Ш w
ítk л l^r^í beWy wcnuereú Wù tké kofc^í öf my усьщет sisUv ¿nú kir kw
^Htl йий ^ví tfrtk tö fíví kittens. Mil* tk¿ mötkir was й pfcrí wkite tkö
Іи сит \\ше m hüú * Ш witk the стмйте мт
e of Ccmcsuhe. Usudìy witk ctts mi dc$$ we ки
ùw whc tk* motk^r is Ш not tk* f*tk*T\ А Ш wi