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Jfflfff È A
*• I; Is
?» m hem »eUòactt mth the «шЪте w*e <4 ^mow*. **** ** ccXt 0**0* fe*oW who the ft«*» *}***» M"
ТГтт\ I кче tetó, тЬтЬ Ш the hme c\ щ тщ* Ш> та he, Ш mf <тШк to т Шт. W» the ftrfU
mi JL мЛоЦьеЬ Chinila, the tern ые* Шск *ид Me Шт of »i*eò Ьшо.ок о tkm сше toou* horn «Ut to
«t ¡н »L «mp^ÍHí *кі„ ff to±». Tfce òo« m cciteò *ош m the Ш Ы Ѣ ff. £ ™ "* тА mm» Ы *****
t end òdi. ЫШШеоѵЬ, leU h fe Äfft «W""»« «* ** "^ * * fe «* «* «- "» * ""* ^ *- dot> * **** U
^і ow«. кот we Ы л caí with Же fumato* нше o| fymwìu. Іітщ mtk cui *
k¿ fo* we fewow ыко tke mother ií but not tke (utke*. ¿ cri mtk л Іще Шц won**
eò into tke koute o( щ цоьщеь іШ* то к» Mmò мо $ш Шк to fufe kittenf.
Шк tke rnotkto mi л pttw Me tkoMi^klheo Ckmckik, tke kitten wew ША лнд
24/25 j
Ъ at* koute we kob * cat mtk tke цшЬШ ше o¡ цо
motuke. Mtu&tty mtk cat* оно Ьо<ц we кноы ыко tke то
tke* it but Ш tke fake*, fl cat mtk a іще ЫЬ) мьЬеь
ITC Zapf Chancery Medium Itlaic
TS&fZ' T a W ? "T^rT thí h0mt 0fmyy°^rsümandfurhusbandandSaví birth to five kitten
s Whüe the mother vas apure uihue thoroughbred' Chinchita, the kittens were biack.and white tabbies of тщеі breed. One oft
-T-Z-! ""t0™?0"* T WeetafUr ÍtS bÍnh «"¿""о*** ^ name Qonnosuke. M that time we already had one fern
aizShtba dog and one female brown tabby cat in our house comprising only 13 tsubo. The dog was called Momo and the cat Ш
My wtfe, who was very much opposed to keeping cats and dogs, instantaneously fell for its shaggy appearance and the ЬІасЦир
In our house zve fiada cat with the grandiose name of Qonnosuke. UsuaCCy with
cats and dogs we know who the mother is But not the father. Я cat with a large
betty wondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gave bir
th to five kittens. 'While the mother was apure white thoroughbred Chinchita, t
In our house we hada cat with the grandiose name о
f Qonnosuke. Usually with cats and dogs we know
who the mother is but not the father. Я cat with a lar