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na «V«. С£ас6 and wKU«. lafilïUa 4 т**^ 6,^«L 6n**f ІІ«і»«м»»Ь»«»»в««"»«І**Ь»»*«Ь 4*** ^6 І««Л«И±*" jWw-tlUnara.Saiin.uuíe. Ш.InaiKm»<«•
aßi^a«, naaontf«moetSKi8o.aos.a~l,m^f«n«íe.-í/u«ínl«U¡) cot ш Ш.Л. U» .иипр/ш, ing. o«íjj 1S Uuí«. 3ÍU, ietf, гіш coibul ЭГСотч. nna tn* «l 9llü. 911;, »lif, Л
no, A« ¿«AU muti afgani UÍt^mpcaU anj-daye, Inolontontoua fcj fefl! fo/i Ha a паая« ono-eo/ianc«,nna iK» 6Lí Up.o| U« noilona,a^citUAon U« ~™, "fl^ »"
3iv спи. Liât vie- fuuL a/ cat- ѵЛ/tR, tüe- алалхЦ<іл^іга^п^а|/оаплоли£еі ILuixilxu/ vlitK/ саід- and/ aaau/ vie/ кию/
ví/ ѵСІіл/іАе/тліле^і^^Лгго^Іп^ІаіКлЛі Ct cat viLtív a/ La/iae- ЬлХХм, vianae/uui- Into/ tlve/Ііалій^ а^ т^ u^aunae/i/
діліч^ ana-fle/^ (игд&хпа-ami аа<2^ ÜjKÁXe/tn^mxitne/i/ѵіа^ар^^
OvuvcÂl£a, tfee, ИШапл, vie/te- MaJL ana- viivtte/ tafelie^ а^ тлллЛ- ЬлллА. Une- ар tneAe- сшпе/ ta/ au/t/ Kaaá«/ afea
<Угѵ алі/і/ (годдл^/ vie/ ruxcL ay caí/ vÜXK/ tne/ ojiomAaxiá^ ruuru2/ oL Оа^игаДгис«/.
IXutaixu/ vliífoy еаІЛ/ cuuL dcuiòy vde/ Іагал\>/ Лші/ tfve/ moÀhcJv i&y ЬлЛу ruií/ tíve/jy
аѴгѵвЛ/. (X col/ vsltin/ a/ шллре/ хиглллѵ ѵісшАолаіАу unta/ ѵкль xuxkxòjv al/ rrtu/ uxutnay
Medici Script
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/n our ¿oust we feu a caf »ufi the grandiose name of^onnosuke. Usually with cats and dogs we bow who the mother is but no
t ^father. Л cat with a large belly wondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gave birth to five kittens
While the mother was a pure white thoroughbred Chinchila, the kittens were black and white tabbies of mixed breed. One of these
came to our house about tm weeks after its birth and was given the name Cjonnosuke. SU that time we already had one female Sh
iba dog and one female brown tabby cat in our house comprising only i3 tsubo. The dog was called Momo and the catMii DA
y wife, who was very much opposed to keeping cats and dogs, instantaneously fell for its shaggy appearance and the black tip of
In our Rouse we had a cat with the grandiose name of ~ Cjonnosuke. Usually with
cats and dogs we know who the mother is but not the father, ¿¡teat with a large b
elly wondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gave birt
h to five kittens. While the mother was a pure white thoroughbred Chinchila, the
In our Rouse we had a cat with the grandiose name of
Cfonnosuke. Usually with cats and dogs we know wh
0 the mother is but not the father. Л cat with a large b