ITC Serif Gothic Light
rsruvwxyz \лл •• f if lœœ/EŒAOÇI 11 lö§t /О WW// |."Л . • / • / • г С In our house we hod о cor wirh rhe grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually with cats and dogs we know In our house we hod о cor wirh rhe grandiose name of Gonnosuk 24/25 In our house we had a cor with rhe granaio 700 ITC Serif Gothic Roman Linotype ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP abcdefghijklmnopq 1234567090&$(t£¥ §t------/О......:;.,!¡?¿ 10/11 In our house we had a car wirh rhe grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually with cats and doas we к II"° tenndhherh "к' "? ^ f0rhen A CQr Wirh Q lQ^e bel|y wond^d inroSe house о ГУ у reQ%hh0QdonelUmT sThekSHQfrer "Í,** Г* W°S 9"еП ^ П°те GonnOSuke- А^ rhalt" e w"a 16/17 In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonno 24/25 In our house we hod о cot wirh the gran 701
la he morher Is bur nor rhe father A car with a large belly wandered inro rhe house of my шш»
Tonò her husband and gave birth ro five kittens. While rhe morher was a pure white thoroughbred Chn
dhlta rhe kittens were black and whire tabbies of mixed breed. One of rhese came to our house about
wo weeks after its birth and was given the name Gonnosuke. At that time we already had one femde 5
Sa dog and one female brown rabby cat in our house comprising only 13 rsubo. The dog was called M
e. Usually wirh cars and dogs we know who rhe morher is bur nor
rhe farher. A car wirh a large belly wondered inro rhe house of m
y younger sisrer and her husband and gave birth ro five kittens, w
se name of Gonnosuke. Usually wirh cars a
nd dogs we know who rhe morher is bur n
înnnZTrгн? kÏ ,USt?Qnd °nd QQVe birrh ro five kirrens- While rhe ™rher was a pure whire rho
oughbred Chinchila, rhe kittens were black and white tabbies of mixed breed. One & rheTe came
Iready had one female Shiba dog and one female brown tabby cot in our house comprising only 1
suke. Usually with cats and dogs we know who the mother is b
ut not the father. A cat with a large belly wondered into the h
ouse of my younger sister and her husband and gave birth to
diose name of Gonnosuke. Usually wirh с
ars and dogs we know who rhe morher is