Wedding Text, Blackletter 681
Wedding Text
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¿3Jn dut bouse foe hau a cat fanti, tfas granbiose name nf (gonnosuke. ¿Usuali,, fottìi tate artb bags foe knofa fabo the matter
te but not the fattier. ^ cat farti, a large hellg faanbereb into Ute bouse nf nrg gounger sister anb her husbanb апЬ gäbe btrt
Ь ta fine kittens, »ile tí,e mother faas a pure fahrte tlmrougbbreb Cghmcbtfa. the kittena faere black anb fahrte tabbies of m
ixeb breeb ©ne of tírese came to our house about tfao faeeks after ite birth, anb faas giben the name (gonnosuke. ^ttbat it
me fae alreabg bab one female Jüb.iba bog anb one female brofan tabo«. cat in our house comprising onltj 13 tubo. Щв ¡ta
faas callebjflomo anb the саі<Жіі.^гІ¥ faife, faho faas faerrj much, opposeb to keeping cats anb bogs, mstantaneousltj feU
<3ln our Цаизе me Ijab a cat Étrîttf % дгапоіозе name of donnosnke- fanali
g íxxxtí] cate anb baos me knom miro % mother te but not % father. fy a large ЬеНп, monoereo into % hanse of mg younger ateter ano íjer Icnisám
no anb gaoc mrtíi to fme Шени. jfejtle the mnÜier maa a pure mfjtte %ron
<3ln our íjonse bxe bao и rat Ыи\ % gnmiriœœ na
me of (§ахта&пке~ Щ&ияЩ frrittj cate ano оодз fe
knob ш^о % mo%r is bnt not % fa%r. J\ ші io
Arnold Böcklin
3n our house we had a eat with the grandiose name of Qonnosuhe. Ssually with eats and dogs w
e know who the mother is but not the father. Я cat with a large belly wondered into the house of
my younger sister and her husband and gave birth to five Kittens. While the mother was a pure
white thoroughbred Chinehila. the Kittens were blaeh and white tabbies of mixed breed. One of t
hese carne to our house about two weeks after its birth and was given the name Gonnosuke. fit t
hat time we already had one female Shiba dog and one female brown tabby cat in our house co
Jn our house we had a eat with the grandiose name of Qonn
osuhe. usually with eats and dogs we Know who the mother
is but not the father. К eat with a large belly wondered into t
he house of my younger sister and her husband and gave b
In our house we had a eat with the gran
diose name of Gonnosuke. usually with
eats and dogs we Know who the mother