American Text, Blackletter 851
American Text
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In our house ine had a tat uiith the grandiose name of fionnosuhe. Usually uiith cats and dogs m knoiu tuho the mother is but not the father, fl cat tuith a large belly шо
ndered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gaue birth to fiue kittens. While the mother mas a pure uihite thoroughbred Allochila, the kittens mere b
lack and mhite tabbies of mixed breed. One of these came to our house about tino uieeks after its birth and utas gíiien the name fionnosuke. fit that time tue already had о
ne female Shiba dog and one female brami tabby cat in our house comprising only 13 thubo. The dog tuas called fflomo and the cat fflii. My uiife, uiho utas oery much о
pposed to keeping cats and dogs, instantaneously fell for its shaggy appearance and the black tip of its nose and decided on its name, crying this dog's name is fflomo.
fflii is a stray cat lohich my daughter picked up. It cried a lot making a sound like mil mil, so me mere soon calling it fflii. Of course it utas a mixed breed aod had all the
lit our house we had a cat uiith the grandiose name of ionnosuke. Usually with cals and dogs we know
uiho the mother is but not the father. Й cat uiith a larae belly wondered into the house of my younger sist
er and her husband and gane birth to fine kittens. While the mother mas a pure white thoroughbred Chin
chila, the kittens were black and white tabbies of mixed breed, ine of these came to our house about two
In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of ionnosuke. Is
ually with cats and dogs we know who the mother is but not the iathe
г, Ж cat with a large belly wondered into the house of my younger sist
Cloister Black, Blackletter 751 Bitstream
Cloister Black
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Шп our bouse toe fjab a cat toittj tbe granbiose name of ©onnosube. Usually totttj cats ano hogs toe tarato tobo tfje mother is but not the fa
Hier, a cat toitb a larcje bell? toonbereb into tbt bouse of mP younger sister anb ber busbanb anb gäbe birtb to «be bittern*. OTbile the mo
tber toas a pure tohite tborougbbreb Cbincbila, tbe kittens toere blacfe anb tobite tabbies of mixeb breeb. ©ne of tbese came to our bouse a
bout too toeefes after its birtb anb toas giben tbe name «onnosube. at that time toe alreaby bab one female Äbiba bog anb one female br
oton tabby cat in our bouse comprising only 13 tbubo. übe bog toas calleb iïlomo anb tbe cat Mii. Mp toife, tofjo toas bery much opposeb
to beeping cats anb bogs, instantaneous.? fell for its sbaggy appearance anb tbe blacb tip of its nose anb becibeb on its name crying tbis
3m our bouöe toe bab a cat lutti) tfie granbiosie name of fêonnooufee. ЭДйиаІІр toitb cata
anb bogs; toe ímoto tobo tbe motber ій but not tbe fattjer. M cat tottft a large belly toon
bereb into tbe Ьоийе of mp younger átóter anb ber buöbanb anb gäbe birtb to fibe tutte
пй. ШЬіІе tbe motber toas; a pure tobtte tborougbbreb Cbincbila, tbe ktttenß toere blac
3n our ftouöe tue ftab a cat tottf) tfje granbto*e name of Ф
onnoöufee, ЭДйиаІІр tottft cato anb bogs; toe ímoto tofjo tfje
mother tó but not tfje fatfter. & cat tottf) a large bell? too