ITC Zapf Chancery Demi, Chancery 801
ITC Zapf Chancery Demi
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In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name, of Gonnosufce. Usuaííy with cats and dogs we know who the moth
er is but not the father. A cat with a Carge 6etty wondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and да.
ve birth to jive fcittens. Whiie the mother was a pure white thoroughbred Chinchad, the kittens were black and white
tabbies of mixed breed One of these came to our house about two weeks after its 6irth and was given the name Gonno
sufce. At that time we already had one female Shiba dog and one female brown tabby cat in our house comprising onfy
13 tuoo. The dbg was catted Momo and the cat Mii. M_y wife, who was very much opposed to keeping cats and dogs,
In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usuaii
y with cats and dogs we know who the mother is but not the father. A cat
with a large beííy wondered into the house of my younger sister and her h
usband and gave birth to five kittens. White the mother was a pure white
In our house we had a cat with the grandiose na
me of Gonnosuke. Usuaííy with cats and dogs w
e know who the mother is but not the father. А с
ITC Zapf Chancery Bold, Chancery 801 Bitstream
ITC Zapf Chancery Bold
Zab cdefy ftij klmno
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1234567890& AJ?ÇIIIIft§t 10/11 In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually with cats and doas we know who 16/17 In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. 24/25 In our house we had a cat with the grandiose 665
the mother is but not the father. A cat witA a (arge belly wondered into the house of my younger sister and her
husband and gave birth to five kittens. While the mother was a pure white thoroughbred Chinehila, the kitten
s were black and white tabbies of mixed breed. One of these came to our house about two weeks after its birth
and was given the name Gonnosuke. At tAat time we already had one female Shiba dog and one female brown
tabby cat in our house comprising only 13 tuoo. TAe dog was called Momo and the cat Mii My wife, who wa
UsuaUy with cats and dogs we know who the mother is but not thef
other. A cat with a (arac beíCy wondered into the house ofmyyounqe
r sister and her husband and gave birth to jive kittens. White the mo
name of Gonnosuke. Usuaííy with cats and d
ogs we know who the mother is but not thef