ITC Zapf Chancery Medium, Chancery 801 Bitstream
ITC Zapf Chancery Medium
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In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually with cats and dogs we finow who the mother is bu
t not the father. A cat with a large belly wondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gave birth to five
fcittens. While tfie mother was a pure white thoroughbred Chinehila, the fcittens were black and white ta66ies of mixed breed.
One of these came to our house ahout two weeks after its birth and was given the name Gonnosuke. At that time we already
had one female Shiba dog and one female brown tabby cat in our house comprising only 13 tubo. The dog was called Momo an
d the cat Mii. My wife, who was very much opposed to keeping cats and dogs, instantaneously fell for its shaggy appearance
In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usuaííy wit
h cats and dogs we know who the mother is but not the father. A cat with a (a
где beííy wondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and да
ve birth to five kittens. White the mother was a pure white thoroughbred Chi
In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name
of Gonnosuke. Usuaííy with cats and dogs we know
who the mother is but not the father. A cat witR a
ITC Zapf Chancery Medium Italic, Chancery 801 Bitstream
ITC Zapf Chancery Medium Italic
яъсѣъ^сяізхьіші, a.bcitfgfiijk]lmno-pq[ rStllVZVTQJZ 1234567890&$Ф£¥ 10/11 In out house we hada cat with the grandiose name ofQonnosuke. Usually with cats and dogs we know who the mother is but 16/17 In out house we hada cat with the grandiose name ofQonnosuke. Usually wit 24/25 In our house we hada cat with the grandiose name 663
отсщ&тіі i"Wx
fi fice
not the father. Я cat with a large belly wondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gave birth to five kit
tens. While the mother was apure white thoroughbred Chinehila, the kittens were b(acfc\and white tabbies ofmvcedbreed On
e of these came to our house about two Weeks after its birth and was given the name gonnosuke. At that time we already hado
ne female. Shiba dog and one female brown tabby cat in our house comprising only 13 tubo. The dog was called Momo and the с
at Mil My wife, who was very much opposed to keeping cats and dogs, instantaneously fed for its shaggy appearance and the
h cats anddoßs we tqww who the mother is but not the father. Я cat with a lar
ße beííy wondered into the house of ту younger sister and her husband and gave
birth to five fattens. 'White the mother was apure white thoroughbred Chinch
of Qonnosuíce. Usually with cats and dogs we /(now
who the mother is but not the father. Я cat with a