Snell Black, English 401 Bitstream
Snell Roundhand Black
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¿Ut our Ito use tue Itaci и cat toilAi lite tyrct/tdiose пате pfffo/mosuAe. 'tlsnully toit li cals a/uf dqys toe Ano
io tolto lite mo titer is futi noi tlieJàlAer. t l cai loilli a large bellt/ wonderedinto lite liotise pfiip/jjouitye
r sister and Aer Ansl/andund^yaoe flirt A tonfine Alliens. WAile lite mot Aer was a fiare to Ait e lAorotujldire
d GAincltifa, /lie Aitlens were fifacA and toltile tali flies of mixedfireed. One pflítese came to our Aottse till
out two weeAs after its flirt A and tous ¿jioen tAe name ffonnosttAe. .. // tltut lime we aireada Aadone/em
afe .l'liifta doy and' onejèmate firottin tu fifty cut in our Ito иле comfirisiffy only /<¥ tulio. &7te cloy wus cat
£/h/ our house ure had и cat with the(t/randios& ncutie of&otumsit
hes. Я-tsaatti/ wit/ь cats- and doas are hnour who the mother ¿& but
not the¿tat/ter. xA/ cat with a Іагч/е ùe/ùj wondered into the house
ofnuf^joiutget* sister and her husband cuu/^jaoe birth torjure hitt
¿Иг oun ¿шила w& had w cat with/ t/ieyj^iHuidl
0&& пате^ of &оіигошіА&. U&ucdltfs until/ cute/
and c¿oa& w& knour loÁfr tA& motfiei^ ¿fr ùut іь
Stuyvesant, English 185
Stuyvesent Script
i. «tr /«., ™ iaJa еаЫІІІ iL rana™ паше o/9onnoeule. %uallu leitl „I. ani loa. „ U. J. ,/,, „Лее ,-. L/ ml lL /alU J¡ „,, ,„,y/ , Ц, Щ /,,/.,. ¿ ¿^ J
Ш „ее .i.lee „ft* lu.lonJanlaaee lidi /„/« lab» TU lie „oiler u.a. apure .olile llereuallrej'Clinelila. lie km. .„re llael ani.olile lallie. e/n.i,ej IrreJ. One e/lie,
e mm I. eue Lu.eaUl /m, u*el. afa il. beli .„Ju.a. oioen lie name ЗттМ 71, liai line u* a/reaJu iajone faale Jlila Jo, anjonefaa/e ¡ее™ lolla eoi in oar loo.,
, on/a 13,uto. Jie loo ma. ea/UMn,e anj lie ealMii. Jfy „ife. Uo ma. oora maei oselle lee/iina eoi. anj Joe.. il. .iooou adorane. o,J lie Uoek li,, o/il.
no., anJJeciJeJen ¡I. mm, eeaina lii. Joe, . name i. Memo. Mii i. » .tra, „I Jiiei a,a Jauollee fieiejufjl eriej a lo, molino o .ounjlile mil'mit. .о и* uvee .eon eallina iljKii. 0/eoue.
e il юо. о mmtLmtmlUJtm, JmrnmVm о/а ßa^ne.e eoi. J„ eue leu., и* Uà eoi „ill lie aranjie,. mm e/9onne,ule. Vuoilo m* co,, anj Joy «, Inou, Jie lie mollee
Jn our kouse we ka J a cal wilk ike Grandiose name of donnosuke. %ua//u wilk cats and doas we know wko ike motker i
s ¿ut not fke/atker. J cat witk a larae iella wondered into tke kouse of my uounaer sister and ker kuskand and aaoe ¿irt
к to /ice kittens. Ifkile tke motker was a ¡iure wkite tkorouakired Ckineki/a. tke kittens were ¿lack and wkite taUies of
mixed Leed. One of tkese came to our kouse aiout two weeks after its kirtk and was у wen tke name Gonnosuke. % tkal
Jn our house we hada cai witL iL aranJiose name of Уоппояике. lleuaffu witk
cah anddoas we know wko ike mofker is lui noi ike faiker. Л cai wiik a larae о
ellu wondered inio ihe house of mu uounaer stsier and ker kuskand'and'aaoe Uri