Piranesi Italic, Ribbon 139 Bitstream
Piranesi Italic
V s\ У ••
10/11 '
Sn ou* kouse we kada cat witk ike glanJiose name of Gonnosuke. HJsually wilk cats anJJogs we know wko tke moth« к U not ikefalkc,. Л cat wilk a
ІаЧде Uly wonJeleJ mio tke kouse of my youngex «fot ani кеч kuskanJ anJ gave kàlk to five kittens. » tke тоікеч was a pule wkde lko4oughbud Lh
nckda, tke kittens we4e klack ana1 wkite lakkies ofmxe¿ keed. One of tkese came to от kouse akoul two weeks aftel Us кічік and was given tke mmeÜomo,
uke. Jit tkat time we akeady kaa1 one female SUa Jog an¿ one female kown lakky cat in oui Use composing only <3 beo. Ike dog was called Momo a
no1 tke cat 3\iii. My wife, wko was vely muck opposed to keeping cats ana1 Jogs, instantaneously fell fox Us skaggy appearance and tke black tip of Us nose an
d decided on Us name, dying tkis Jogs nameisSHomo. ЗАіі ta a shay cat wkick my Jaugktel pickeJ upJl clieJa lot making a sounJ like mil mil, so we weu
Sn out kouse we hada cat with the gtandiose name of Gonnosuke. HJsually witk cats and dogs w
e know who tke motket is but not tke fatket. Л cat witk a latge Uly wondeted into tke kouse of m
y younget sistet and ket kuskand and gave Uttk to five kittens. Wkile tke motket was a pute wkite
tkotougkkted Ckinckila, tke kittens wete klack and wkite tabbies of mixed kteed. One of tkese cam
Sn ouï kouse we kad a cat witk tke giandiose name of UonnosuK
e. usually witk cats and Jogs we know wko tke motkei is but not
tkefatkeî. Л cat witk a laige belly wondeïed into tke kouse of m
Shelley Andante, English 111
Shelley Andante
A234S67890 &-$e£¥
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¿An ош- Аоше we hada ca/wi/A /Aie сргажАсоіе nay/ne of ЪІоп-пыаАсе. ЧАааААи wi/A ca/i anddot/i me Anew wAo /Ae mc/Aier à ¿a/ no/ /Ale Aá/Aer. SÍca
/ wi/A a /a-r
dwa¿ fjéve-n /Ae n/ягпе 'S/on^wiaJce. SA/ /Aia/ /¿me we aAreadi/ Atad eme Aema/e ,/AiAa. dog a-nd one ÂniaAe /proton /aAfAy ca/in ottv Aiottie co?n/triiing о
,/ ^ &fAo. *УАіе dotp wai ca/Aed\/flo?no a-nd /Ate ca/ i/AÙi. ^4tu wide, wAo wai пеги nitteA o/l/ioied/o Afe/lina ca/i a-nd'dogi, ini/mi/a.ncottiAit AeAAAóv
r/i tÁaffly a/ì/ieara-nce and /Aie /tAacA /i/l of i/i noie a-nd decided on t'/i na-fne, cryi-na /Aii dogi natne ii іЛіото. iAÍííii ai/rail ca/wAicA my dattgA
J% otw hoitóe we hada, caíwi/h ¿he awmdioáe www ол&оогпошАе. ¿¿ша/lu wHÁ- сой andd
er waá а/шѵе wht¿e ¿howuaÁ/wed wA¿nchi¿a, ¿he кі&ет were ошс/о amd while ¿аоѵіел ofimia;
*У?г <жф Аоше ше- Асьа a- ca¿w¿¿A те a^amaíaáe name ОФ&сжлг
о4шсе. ¿ІашіМи w¿¿h caû> amd сісш w& ктш w/w me шоШе<ѵ t&
vutnotlfoe ¿отек. S& ccU w¿m a ¿алчіе be¿¿u wowaeved ¿rUo m