Brush 445
Like Palette
Dn our house me hai a cal mlth ihe granilese паше e¿ ¿jennesuke. Usually with cals ani iegs me knem mhe the methe
r Is bul net the bather. /4 cat mlth a large belly menierei Inte the heuse e¿ ту younger sister ano het husbani ani gaoe
tifili le ¿loe kittens. While the mother mas a pure mhlte thereughbrei Chinehila, the kittens mere black ani white lab
bles el mlxei bree?. One e¿ these came le eu* heuse about ime meeks afcler lis birth ani mas gloen the name ¿jennesuk
e. /it that time me alreait/ hai one ¿emaleShtba ieg ani ene ¿emale bremn tabby cat In our heuse comprising only 1
3 thubo. The ieg mas callei/Heme ani the cal/Hll./Uy ml£e, mhe mas aery much eppesei te keeping cals ani iegs,
Dn eut heuse. юа ha? a cai loiih the. gtanbiese name, ôf ¿jennesuke. Usuai
Су with cais anì) ?egs toe knew tohe the ntethe* Is but net the foathe*. /4 cai
toith a large 6ellq toen?e?e? Inte the heuse e£ щ цеипаеѵ sister ano hu* hu
sbanb an? даос bíHh le ßioc kittens. frOhile the methe* toas а уиы white
jDn cu? house, toc hob a cai tviih ihn qvaribiese, na
me ôA tfonncsukc. Usually with cais ani dôgs tve
knôw wAô the, meihev is bui nei ihc ¿aine?. /4 cai
Park Avenue, Ribbon 251 Bitstream
Park Avenue
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un oui Line, we iad a cat witi iL gzandioie name of ¿Цоппошіе. ЧііиаЩ miti coti and dogi we inow wio tL rnolLx U Eut not iL foli
ex. c$ cat witk a taxge ietL wondexed into tL iouie of my youngex liltex and Lx bidona and gave iixti to five iitlenl. <Шій tne molLx
was a ¡шхе wiite tLxougiked CiincLta, tL iitteni wexe itaci and wiite taiiiei of mixed treed. One oft/Lie came to our Ноше atout tw
о weeil after ib. iirti and wal aben tL. name ^onnowL. c/ft tiat time we atxeady Had one femaCe ¿Siila dog and one femóte ixown tait,
y oat in out пойле comf>xiiing ontg 13 tuto. One dog wai called J\\omo and iL cat ^Щіі. УІЛу wife, wio was. vrexy mud oftoied to ieefjin
g coti and dogi, initantaneouity fettfo-c ib íiaggy а/з/іеагапсе and iL itaci Щі of ih. noie and decided on ib. name, crying tili dogi name
ßn oui fzouís urn had a cat with. tke. gzanJiois name, of and dogi (ххы know who tke. moih\x Li. ¡jut not th\ fatiizr. c/j- oat witk a ¡xizge IjeIÏu woncU zed into the. houis. of ту уоипдел íLítzz and Izuz bxiíaná and gave, iiztk to flus. (titUm. yvhlU. the. nzotksz uraí a jiuzs. artzLtz tuozoug/zÉzsd ChinahiLa, tJzs /zittsnn wexe. Èrtaci and 24/25 Un owl kouicz we had a cat with, ins. qzandíoís name, of ^fo 651
nnoiukz. LLiUaLbj vjítk cats, and doqs, vers, know wko ins mo
thEX ii, but not tnz fatksx. erf- cat witfi a taxas. ЬеЩ wonaU